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Jeff's POV

"Just a little bit more be still." I was flat ironing Jinxx's curly hair which was pretty hard.  "Annndd done!" She got up and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I think you burnt my neck!" She grabbed the clothes I picked up for her and went back to her room.

"I still don't like that you changed your name to Jinxx either!" I waited at her door for her to come out and 'model' the clothes like on TV.

She eventually came out in the black and grey hoodie that I picked up, black skinny jeans personally from a random girls house, and black converses.   "See you look great.  And look you have a little pocket to put your severed hearts in." She glared at me and went downstairs.

"So when exactly do I get to meet my mom, since, you know, I'm gonna be living here from now on." She looked back at me and crossed her arms.  "Well aren't you a sassy one."

"Tell me Jeff." I looked at her and smiled.

"You know the stories of The Expressionless, the lady that killed a ton of people in a hospital." She nodded and started tapping her foot.  "Well she, um, shes your mom." I looked at her while she stood there staring me down.

"Slenderman! Jeff! BEN! Everyone I'm home!" Expressionless walked in with a jar of kidneys, probably for EJ, and a bunch of bags. 

"Hey Expressionless?"

"Yes Jeff?"

"Someone wants to see you!" She walked into the living room and nearly had a heart attack.  "Your awake!" She hugged Jinxx thinking it was still Vanity.

"Why." Expressionless pulled away from the hug and looked at Jinxx.


"Its Jinxx now, little old Vanity is gone." Jinxx stood there staring at Expressionless waiting.

"Jeff what is she talking about?  What is Jinxx?" Expressionless looked over to me and I pulled her upstairs.

"What the hell Jeff!"


"What is that-that thing in my living room?"

"That's Sally and Slenderman, we've lived with them for a while now." She slapped me and crossed her arms over her chest.

"The real answer?"

"Well you know how we told you about Jane and Vanity's little meeting when she was little?  Well me and Slendy think that this is because of Jane.  Or Vanity could have just hopped on the crazy train and decided to take a little ride?" She looked at me and nodded.

"She had to have help for that, I mean someone going kill crazy doesn't end them up with a demon sign on and in her eyes and hand!"

"Zalgo could have helped.  I mean C'mon the guy lives in Hell.  Literally!" She nodded and headed back downstairs where Slenderman and Jinxx were playing Poker.

"Slenderman I thought you didn't like gambling?" Jinxx looked over at us and lifted up a black magic book.

"Slenderman isn't that yours?" He shook his head and laid down three aces.

"I don't blackmail.  Only gamble.  Its fun." Jinxx shuffled the deck and handed Slendy the book.  "You won." Slenderman went back to his office to put the book away.  "To bad that I have another black magic book that needs to be sold to someone!" Slenderman peeked his head around the corner, "Another book?"

"Yep its to bad.  This perfectly good book is gonna go to waste."

"What game are we playing this time?" Slenderman sat back down on the couch and they started playing Scramble.  "Really you guys,  Slendy your falling right into her trap." He looked at me and flipped me off.

"I have to go talk to someone." I left and went out into the woods looking for Jane.   "C'mon Jane!  What are you scared! tell me what you paid Zalgo for this!"

"I didn't pay him anything.  He already wanted the brat dead." I turned around and saw Jane.

"How did you do this to her!" She shrugged and took the bunny that she gave Vanity that day in the woods.  "You bitch!" I lunged at her and tackled her down to the ground.

"Go to hell!" She tried to push me off as Smile dashed out of the woods.

"Smile attack!" Smile took a mouthful of her hair and dragged her into the woods.

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