My Past

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"Come to Mommy!" Expressionless held out her arms to the kid sitting on the ground in the middle of the woods. "Jeff it would be a lot easier if you helped in stead of polishing your knife."

I looked up from my knife a jabbed it in the tree I was leaning on. "Face it the kid is never going to walk. Trust me." She looked back down at it and kept telling it to walk. I smiled at the thought of having it walk to me for the first time instead of Expressionless. "So have you come up with a name for her?"

Slenderman crouched down next to the kid and patted its head. It reached out at me and started to crawl my way. I put my foot out and stopped it by gently putting my foot on its head.

Then it started screaming and Expressionless gave me the I know you better stop tormenting her look. So I picked up my foot and the kid got up. It started to walk the rest of the way. It was pretty funny the thing looked like a drunk man trying to walk home.

It hugged my legs and sat back down and played in the leaves. Soon Slendy went out to kill and Expressionless got tired and went in. I let Smile off the leash and took him for a walk after I put up the play pen I stole from some lady's house that I killed.

When we came back there was a girl with black hair standing over her. Wow that is the first time I have really called it a her. Whatever, "Hey!Get away from the kid!"

She turned around and the black eyes and eyeliner instantly told me it was Jane. "Why should I Jeffery? I thought you didn't like kids." I looked around for my knife but it was gone. Shit she took it. I tackled Jane to the ground and pinned her down. "What did you do to her." I gritted through my teeth as Slendy came out of the wall of trees. Kind of like the Titans came through the wall on Attack on Titan. He picked her up and threw her far into the woods.

"She didn't seem to do anything to the child except for give her this." He held up a new looking stuffed animal that looked like a sewed together bunny. He handed it back to the kid and took her inside.

2 hours later

"Alright I guess that's the only way we can keep her safe."

Expressionless was crying in the kitchen while stuffing a basket with blankets. She brought it out, picked up the kid and placed her in the basket. I grabbed the basket handle and took her outside. "This is goodbye kid. And to think you survived long enough to see me care about someone other than Liu." I patted her head and ran into town and to a house where I killed someone's youngest daughter. "They better not think this is a gift." I put the basket down on the second step of the house. I was about to leave when I found the bunny from Jane in my pocket.

"Your name is now Vanity." I wrote down her name on a piece of paper and put it in the basket a long with the bunny. I rang the doorbell and dashed off back into the woods.

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