The Drafting System, according to some hotshot

Start from the beginning

I walked out to the lobby and scanned around for the gear check out. It was on the other side of the room, next to the locker rooms. I walked over, noticing that someone was walking behind me from the Hub to the gear check out. Probably a coincidence, but always worth noting, according to Natasha.

The Gear Hall, as the sign read, was divided into three sections. New check outs, repairs, and weapons. I needed to pick up a new suit from check outs, and pick up a new gun, since my blaster from Fury wasn't regulation. I could keep it on me, but I needed this new one, too. I decided to get my suit first.

The line for suits was long, and it wasn't moving as quickly as the front desk. I scanned my badge to wait in line, then sat on a seat next to the wall. I saw the person who had been following me from the Hub, and older man, and he sat down not too far from me. This should be interesting.

"Smith give you a hard time?" He asked, in a voice that was calming to listen to. It was the kind of voice you automatically trusted, if you were a trusting person.

"Not really," I answered. "Nothing I'm not used to."

He chuckled. "Yeah, Smith likes to impress rookies. He doesn't mean any bad by it, but it tends to throw them off. Not you, from the looks of it. You played him like a piano."

I'm glad someone noticed. I grinned.

"You said your name was Raven?" I nodded. "Got a last name?"

Shaking my head, I answered, "If I do, I don't know it."

He nodded. Most people were startled by that fact, but whoever this was didn't seem fazed.

"Who are you, sir?"

"Agent Douglas, Level 7." He reached out a hand for me to shake and he scooted closer so I could reach it. "Call me Doug, when no one's listening. I'm the leader of Smith's unit."

So that's how he knew him. I took his hand and shook it firmly. "Pleasure to meet you."

He smiled good-naturedly and looked at the desk, where they admitted people for fitting. He didn't speak for a moment, then asked. "You're Romanoff's student, aren't you? You went on the Germany mission?"

I nodded. I didn't know how much he had been told about it, so I waited to be prompted.

"And you're switching to Field, now? Got tired of Records?"

I shrugged. "Just getting some exposure, sir. It seemed like it would work better for me."

He nodded. "Still in Espionage?"

"When I'm needed. It doesn't happen very often."

He leaned back against the wall. "You might find that changing in Field. Even the 5-O teams get some action every week or two."

"Don't I have to be on a team first?"

He waved my concern off. "Someone with your track record isn't going to have a problem getting on a team. Even normal subs get on within a month or so."

I nodded. Why couldn't Smith have explained some of these things instead?

The front desk called out my name. "I've got to go," I told Doug. "Thank you for talking to me, sir."

"No problem, Raven. Good luck in Field." I nodded, and he stood up to leave.

I turned and was admitted past the gate into the back. A fitting agent took me into a room, where I stood on a pedestal for ten minutes while she measured every part of my body possible, and then some.


Half an hour later, I had my new suit, and a new gun. It was a little heavier than I was used to working with, but the style was all right. I dropped my suit off in my room and took the gun to the target practice rooms in the Espionage Department.

Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now