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After the test flight, Shuri had more equipment for them to test. By them, she meant Raven. Peter wasn't as well versed in weapons, seeing as his gear made use of web combinations rather than weapon packages.

She had to admit, though: Wakandan weapon packages were far beyond anything Raven had gotten her hands on previously, except maybe for the cyborgs she had briefly run in with. As Shuri explicitly specified, these were only for use on Avengers missions until further notice, but she wanted Raven's professional opinion on design and usability and whatnot, which she was more than happy to provide.

That's what she spent the next day doing. Raven spent the majority of her time in the sim chamber, firing the weapons at targets which ranged from bullseyes to more simulated opponents.

The blasters were probably her favorite. Shuri was working on making a three-in-one firearm for Raven and possibly other Avengers down the road. It would have three settings: a standard SHIELD-issue gun, a stunner, and a phaser. The stunner and phaser had adjustable intensities. The stunner could knock someone out anywhere from five minutes to five hours, and the phaser could burn through a bulletproof vest or a metal wall, depending on the setting.

Raven practiced firing all three, each their own weapon in the same style and build. Shuri planned to combine them into one firearm after Raven tested them. How she planned to pack three weapons into one case, she decided not to ask. If the Princess could figure it out, Raven didn't think it was her place to question it.

Peter offered to help work on the protective layers while Raven and Shuri kept busy. Apart from increasing the number of sensors per square foot of the suit, he started developing a device that could broadcast the wearer's vitals to a main network. It could monitor the signals for irregularities and any concerns. Though the layer was bulletproof, it wasn't necessarily blunt-proof. If someone got thrown into a wall, the layer wasn't going to do much. That was what the real suits were for.

Raven and Shuri walked back into the main lab after they finished testing a prototype bow. Though Raven was nostalgic for Barton's original design, she loved the ideas Shuri had suggested and wasn't opposed to an upgrade.

As soon as they walked in, Peter hailed them. "Hey, I need your input on something," he said.

"Is something wrong?" Shuri asked, but Peter was looking at Raven.

"No, I just had a question: How often are prisoners or... like, hostages involved in Avengers missions? Or just SHIELD missions in general?"

That was not a usual question, but Raven, who had worked in Records for five years and taken special interest in Avenger reports, was able to answer. "SHIELD missions are more hit-or-miss. Involving prisoners doesn't help if you're trying to be covert. The bigger issue with Avenger missions are civilian casualties. Remember Sokovia?"

"I wasn't there."

"But you remember what happened because of it?"

"The Accords," Shuri answered, retrieving the data from Raven's bow test. "It was enacted to hold the Avengers accountable for casualties and property damage."

Peter looked to Raven for confirmation. He was slightly confused when she didn't object. "Why did we need to redraft it then?"

She pointed at the vigilante and the princess. "Ex-HYDRA members infiltrated the committee that wrote the first draft. It dehumanized enhanced individuals and put them under severe restrictions. People like Tony Stark were fine, because their abilities mostly came from their gear. Captain Rogers, on the other hand, as well as Wanda Maximoff and any other supers, would have been under security for the rest of their lives. That's the part SHIELD is trying to redraft."

Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now