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Raven didn't have to wait long to find out about Smith. Not two hours after she landed back at headquarters, Doug sent a message out to 6-11: 'Mandatory half-hour training session at the firing range, starts at 7.'

She wasn't going to complain about that. Target practice was low-key and low-stress. It would be nice to be in a controlled environment, too. Usually, when Raven tried to use the firing ranges, they were crowded with other agents. This way, only people she knew would be there. Then again, Smith might be more distracting than the rest of SHIELD combined. 

Nevertheless, she showed up on time with the rest of the agents. Sure enough, Smith noticed her right away. "Haven't seen you in a few days. Where'd you go?"




Danny, who stood next to them while they waited for the group before them to finish on the range, snickered. "You know, it's been really nice to have someone who can match Smith in wit around," he remarked loud enough for most of the others to hear. "Good change of pace."

"I'll change your pace," Smith grumbled, but the doors opened, and the group before them walked out. 6-11 parted to let them through the hall, but that's when they noticed exactly who they were.

Smith leaned over to Raven. "Is that STRIKE?"

"Looks like it," she answered, watching them as they left. "Everyone needs target practice, even them."

"I don't think I ever see them around," he realized, still whispering just in case they could hear them. "I know they're always out on high-risk missions, but they're never in the Hub. Do they have dorms here?"

"Probably not. They don't get sent out very often. If I had a lot of downtime, I'd get a place off-campus too."

He snorted. "Can't imagine that."

"Everybody in!" Doug instructed, herding his agents into the range. "Half an hour. You know the drill."

Even Raven, who hadn't participated in a group range session yet, knew the drill. It wasn't much different than practicing individually. 

The most significant difference was the type of weapon she used. Instead of a handgun like the one she carried on Espionage missions, she grabbed a firearm just like the one she was issued for Field missions. She needed more practice with this one anyway. It struck her that none of the other agents had seen her with her bow before, and she wondered how they would react if she showed up to range practice with it soon. 

She grabbed a set of safety glasses, headphones, and several clips full of practice ammunition and selected a stall between Smith and Danny. Her water bottle went on the ground near the divider. Glasses on, headphones on, first clip in the magazine, and magazine in the gun. 

The STRIKE agent who had used the stall before Raven had the target set at long-range. Raven adjusted it to short-range and exhaled. She adjusted her stance, just like Natasha had taught her: 'Feet shoulder-width apart, firmly planted on the ground. Don't lock your knees, keep them bent to help react to the recoil. Engage your core, take a breath to start. Block out distractions.'

Someone nudged her shoulder. "Stork, you good?"

Raven would have rolled her eyes if they weren't already closed. "Just trying to focus, but thanks."

"You look like you're gonna murder someone," Smith told her. "It's just a target."

Yes, just a target. Just like every other target. Speaking of blocking out distractions.

Agent Raven of S.H.I.E.L.D. (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now