Chp.12- Answers

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♫ Hating But Loving One Direction [HBL1D]♫

Chapter 12- Answers.

-Anna's P.o.V-

For the last couple of days, Harry had locked himself inside his room, not talking and rarely eating at all. I don't understand his actions right now. Why is he taking a little situation like this one and making such a fuss about it? I understand his discomfort, since Zayn is one of his best mate, or was, but why is so he mad? Is it because of what he said when I was in the hospital? That he thinks he likes me?

“Nah,” I say out loud to myself, pushing the ridiculous thought away. It was probably a dream.

However, if he does,that would explain why he is acting like such a prick right now.

The boys didn't think much of us kissing,they were only slightly shock when we told them. Unlike Harry, who is taking this way too far.

Thinking I need to clear everything with Harry since I have a feeling that I am part of the reason why he is so angry, I walk to his room. Pausing in front of his boring white door, I hesitated. What if he doesn't want to see me? Or worse, what if he died in there because he hadn't eaten these pass few days? Starvation is a dangerous sickness.

I shudder at the disturbing thought.

Pushing the idea away, I reassure myself that Louis had probably brought him food.

With shaky hands, I knock three times, almost regretting it.

It's not too late to run, Anna! A voice in my head scream in warning, but I didn't follow its advice. I really need to talk to Harry and if I run, I'm sure he won't run after me since hadn't talk to me since the day he saw Zayn and I kissing.

After a long silence, I chose to turn around, thinking he is still angry until a hand grab my wrist, pulling me inside.

I gasp in shock, covering my face with my palm at the sight in front of me.

Harry looks horrid. Dark circles under his green orbs, his hair untamed, clothing wrinkled with weird stains, and a pale complexion similar to a sick person's.

My eyebrows scrunch up in concern, where is the flirt that I used to know?

“Harry! Oh my God, are you okay?” I ask, my head spinning at the awful odor in this room.

It's all my fault. My fault that he looks like this.

Without answering, he hugs me.

His arms snake around me in a protective manner, his face bury in my hair, I can feel something wet trickling down my spine.


“Harry, are you crying?” I ask, hoping that he wasn't. Harry doesn't look like the type of boy who cries. Not at all.

Instead of answering me, he shush me, wrapping his arms tighter.

Okay, I'm so confuse! Can someone explain to me why he is hugging me when I thought he is mad at me?

Needing answers, I push his chest away even if his hug was comforting and warm, making feel like I haven't in a long time.

But I had more important matters to attend, like getting some answers.

“Answer me first.” I nodded towards his bed, signaling for him to sit down.

When he did, I raid my brain for questions that desperately need answers.

Although I had a lot of questions, this one is the one I need the answer to the most, “Harry, what did you say to me before at the hospital?” I ask him to make sure that it was a dream, that Harry Styles didn't like me.

I could tell my question threw him off guard since he jump back a little, opening his mouth and closing it right after.

Harry stare at me long and hard, as if searching to see if he should tell me or not. I stare back, silently reassuring him, 'Yes, you can tell me.'

After a while, Harry clear his throat and turn away, I swear I saw a hint of pink on his cheeks.

I thought he wouldn't tell me and was about to open my mouth to persuade him when Harry starts to speak,

“I told you exactly what you thought I'd told you.” He simply replies, as if that clears anything up.

From what I'd thought I heard, he told me he likes me. But what if I'd heard wrong?

As if reading my mind, Harry answers my unspoken thought, “You've heard right. I like you.” The last three words made my chest constrict and my stomach flip.

I stare at the puzzle in front of me. The familiar face and hair that I've seen somewhere before, but couldn't connect those two people together. I mean, Curly? The guy who made my childhood a living hell? Harry is anything but mean. And I haven't seen Curly in years, based on my current age right now, which is seventeen. Which reminds me of when I woke up at the hospital and the doctor asked me how old I am, I reply immediately with “Thirteen!” when I got corrected by Liam telling me that I am actually seventeen. Imagine how shock I was. To think that I am seventeen, living with One Direction, a boy band with five hot British guys, two of them making my heart skip a beat.

A certain Bradford bad boy and a curly hair dimple cutie.

The biggest question that even Harry couldn't give me answer to is

Which one of them do I like the most?

That's a question I need to answer for myself with time.

A/N: Team Hazzah or Team Zayn?

Leave your comments below :)

Picture to the side is Anna :)

Sorry for filler chapters lately, I need a good base to stand on for the more exciting chapters ;)

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