"Aeleos: The Gorilla"

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"Fuck, yes!" Adrian cheers, "We killed a giant snake!"

"Barely," Belf adds, resting on the floor.

That was a close one. I look over to the dead reptilian creature. Its charred skin lets off an aroma of cooked meat. The Anguis' cold eyes are wide open staring at the ceiling. It didn't have any pupils so I couldn't tell if it is truly dead. It could still be alive and just be playing dead for all we know. It can't be that smart. My whole body suddenly screams in pain as my muscles tense up and my joints ache. The others start becoming double as I have a slow descent to the floor.

"Wake up..."

"Wake up..."

My left cheek stings with pain as my eyes snap open to the faces of Adrian and Wes looking at me with concern. My body is still in a horrifying turmoil.

"Fuck, you scared the shit out of us," Adrian says with a sigh of relief.

"No, he didn't. He scared the shit out of you," Belf adds from the back.

"Ignore him. Are you alright?" he asks.

"How long was I out?" I ask sitting up slowly. The sharp pain of my wounds slightly opening causes me to clench my teeth. It felt like I am being bitten again by those wolves, but this time their teeth are slowly digging in leaving me at a torturous state.

"Well, you weren't out. You... You were dead... for just a few seconds though," Adrian replies awkwardly. He and Wes offer out their arms to help me get up. I take their offer and they lift me from the floor slowly. A cry of pain comes out of me from the strain of muscles that should be resting at the moment.

"If you're all done. We need to get moving," Chip orders, strapping her gear on.

"Yes Ma'am," Adrian answers using his body to help me walk.

We all continue past the dead snake to get out of this warehouse which we were just trapped in. Wes opens the door to the snowy landscape. Outside is calmer than what it was before when I first arrived. The sky is still dark, however, the stars color the night sky giving it a beautiful image. We start trudging through the bitter scene. The snow is so thick it reaches our ankles so our movement is heavily slowed down. Adrian is still using himself as a crutch to help me move.

"So just asking, what's the Scrapyard like? I heard if people go in there they will never come out. Is there like a lost city full of gold or something?" he asks enthusiastically, curious to find out about our village.

"I don't know. It's a big place so I never really got to see all of it. So there might be. I just live in a secluded village," I explain, memories of my village try to force its way to the front of my mind. I try to repress them into the back of my mind as much as I can. Luckily, our attention turns to the sharp gunshot which pierces the air it came from Belf's location. We all hurry to arrive and catch glimpses of shadows that scatter into different directions.

"What is it Belf?" Chip asks getting her gun ready.

"I noticed there was a pack of wolves stalking us. So I shot one of them to scare them off," Belf explains pointing to the dead wolf sprawled across the snow. Its eyes were devoid of life and its mouth is open revealing its metal teeth. The information Belf gives us puts us on edge. How many other experiments have been released from this city? They have all been designed to kill in some shape. I reach into my pocket for some bio-adrenalin pills, but hesitate to take one so soon after the last, because of the repercussions that the others warned me about.

"You scared them off, for a while anyway, but they will be back so we need to hurry up," Chip encourages.

"Yeah," Adrian agrees, "Just one question. What if Erglast leaves? What's stopping him from just leaving us here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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