"The Lab"

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"Protect the blueprint! Protect the blueprint!"


I jolt awake. I'm not in the cave anymore. Instead, I am in a tube full of liquid with only some shorts on. I look down and see the metal patches on my body, and the meter where my heart is saying '10.' At least I am all powered up. I look to my right only to notice that my robotic arm isn't there anymore.

My face is covered by a breathing mask. Loads of wires are inside me, injecting all kinds of liquids. I can't feel much pain, so I must be on some kind of anesthetic.

I panic as I try to grasp the situation at hand. OK Punk, breathe. First, get out of here. I punch the glass tube with my one arm hoping to crack it. I don't stop, even though I feel the pain searing my knuckles. I keep striking the glass, bruising my hand, starting to mix tints of blood that taint the liquid I'm residing in.

The tube starts to crack. Seeing this as a sign of progress, I mindlessly hack at the glass, watching the shards pop out of place and onto the floor, some, lodging into my hand. I came pouring out and slamming onto the floor, the wires still attached to me. I grab and pull at them, trying to remove them all. I take off the breathing mask and throw it to the floor. My blurry eyesight makes me feel dizzy and disoriented. I can't clearly see the room. It takes me a couple of seconds for my senses to fully return.

Where am I? The room I am in is all white like a hospital or a lab. Everything feels artificial. I try to get up, but my legs buckle beneath me so I just fall back down again. Instead, I crawl to the wall to prop myself up. OK, Punk you need to think... Where are Aessa and Aeleos? They couldn't have died back in the cave. So, the next step is finding them.

In the distance, I hear the sharp footsteps of high heels, contrasting with the heavy footsteps of boots coming towards my room. I don't have much time before they discover me. I frantically search around for a weapon and see a scalpel on the desk next to the tube. Staggering towards it I grab it with my one hand and hide behind a desk. I control my breathing and increase my adrenaline like big brother taught me to, and then, all that's left to do is wait...

The door opens, and I see four people walk in. They stand close to the desk I am hiding under. There is a moment of pause.

"Where is he? Where is the boy?" A voice demands. It sounds like a strict woman. Silence is all that she hears as a response as if everyone is afraid to answer her. "Find him! We can't let him escape!" the woman snaps. I can tell she is failing to keep control. This is my chance.

I slide out from under the desk as I slit one of the warden's ankles with my scalpel. He falls to the floor clutching his foot as he cries in pain. The woman backs away as another warden pulls out a taser baton he had at his hip and swiftly extends his arm in an attempt to shock me. I jump back, dodging it and drive the scalpel in his stomach. I can feel his torso momentarily tense up, before his entire body goes slack, collapsing onto the ground.

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