"Aeleos: Mission"

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The bar windows shatter as a man I throw outside lands on the floor

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The bar windows shatter as a man I throw outside lands on the floor. He is a stocky man who is dressed in ruffian clothing which is covered in the alcohol. A raspy cough comes out of him as he shakily gets up and assumes a boxing stance. I slowly walk out of the bar adjusting my white shirt and dusting off my black trousers with my sword holstered on my back. A crowd forms around us it is full of drunken men and women who are cheering and swearing, but it becomes so deafening that I mentally tune them out so I can concentrate. My hand maneuvers to holster the sword, but giving it some consideration, I released and assumed a boxing stance of my own. I am going to beat him at his game.

"Yer fucking prick!" he roars, "I'm going to punch yer teeth so hard you won't have any left."

I keep quiet raising my fists to my head. The anger starts to bubble in me as I saw the man slyly inch towards me. My fists clench harder drawing blood it ran down my hand and drops the minute it hit the floor the man went in for a jab. I swiftly move to the left dodging it and went for a right hook. Pain sears through my right hand as it connects with his jaw. He stumbles to the side as the crowd gave a great big cheer while raising their bottles. Drops of alcohol stain my shirt and create puddles on the brass floor. I stride heavily towards the man and went to kick him in the face, he ducks to the floor and sweep kicks my other leg. My back hits the ground hard, splashing alcohol onto other people. Disoriented, I scan the area all I see is drunk men and women grinning and dancing like idiots around me creating a rain of alcohol. My wet, dark hair blocks my vision, meaning I couldn't see the powerful kick to the side of my face. Blood spluttered out of my mouth as I hunched over away from him.

"Ain't so cocky now yer prick!" the man sneers at me. I couldn't even protect Master

His shadow looms over my submissive body. My reflection on the brass floor reveals the cuts and bruises occupying my face. Seeing this reignites the anger inside as it is churning to its optimum point. The twisted and broken face of Master burns in my mind as I come up with renewed energy for a striking uppercut. There is a moment before the uppercut where time slows down and I could sense our auras completely contrasting each other my burning fury ready to purge his panicked fright. Bones crack as his body flew into the air and drops to the floor abruptly. The crowd applauds but I didn't stop there I grab his collar and continue battering him. Over and over again all I see are flashes of red while the crowd kept cheering or screaming I couldn't tell it all became white noise in the end for me. Arms try to restrain me, but I dismiss them quickly still continuing my torrent of punches. A sharp whistle cuts through the noise of the crowd, yet I still ignore it. I keep seeing the image of Master plastered all over my mind and I want it gone. My bloody fist reels back for another punch when a solid object connects to the back of my head and everything went black.

"Wow Aeleos you're so strong," a boy said, getting up from the ground and rubbing his face.

"Of course I am. That's why I want to train to be a soldier," my broken voice said, holding the wooden sword in the air in a triumphant position.

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