"Aeleos: Reflection"

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I trudge through the shallow waist-high water full of endless, lifeless, bloody bodies. Their limp exteriors slowly floating on the water, their blood staining the clear water. I keep moving towards the grey gargantuan pillar in the middle of these endless shallow water which has Aessa and Master trapped in it. The hesitant sun rises behind them casting silhouettes and an overarching shadow over me. I don't know if it's a trick of the light, but I swear the pillar is gradually sinking into the water. I won't let that happen! My exhausted trudge renews with energy as I continuously push the bodies out of my way. The calm waves of water start to bubble around me as I get closer to the enormous pillar. Cold hands grab my feet underwater stopping me from my tracks. Their grasp is broken as I pull my feet free, but for every foot, I pull free pairs of hand grab the other. The pillar was halfway into the water, but that should be impossible it isn't sinking that fast. Sweat rolls down my face mixing with the droplets of water as I attempt to fight through the water. An enormous wave advances behind me with the terrifying speed I didn't have time to prepare for impact as I am swept into a staggering, crazy wave. My chest is full of air as I continue to hold my breath to outdo this upsurge. I fall out of the wave and crash-land on a small, stone surface. Water is thrown up from my nose and mouth as I gasp for air. Where am I? I seem to be in the air. Don't tell me. I head towards the edge of the surface and look to the other side where the pillar Aessa and Master where has sunken in the water a few bubbles which slowly dim down marking their existence. The air is filled with a loud scream of despair and loneliness as I've failed my mission again.

"You're not allowed to flip a coin" a deep voice says.

"Why can't I? It's only fair. I don't want to do the next recon mission I did the last one," another softer voice retaliates.

The room is blurry as my eyes open and get used to the new area. I am in a hard bed similar to that prison in Steamstead. What happened? All the memories suddenly invade my mind accumulating one after the other. The death's of my village, my beating, the questioning of my goals and morals. My heart sinks to the floor as I realise that after all this. I achieved... nothing. My body screams in utter pain as I sit up it feels like my body is burning, bandages are wrapped around it covering all the bleeding. Every movement I make is death. Light sneaks in from the small crack from the door.

"I'll tell the Boss you're disobeying orders again," the familiar voice warns.

"If you do that. I'll shoot you"

I know these voices, but I couldn't be asked for the brain power of putting name to face. I'm just frozen in this room my mind instead reeling of the confrontation of the Steelix Corps boss. The death of my village, my beating, the questioning of my goals and morals. A tear rolls down my bruised face and drops onto the bandages on my arm.

"Guys I don't think we are doing another recon mission," a third voice says trying to calm the pair down.

Another tear rolls down in succession dropping a few inches apart from the first. I bite my lip, so I can give myself a worse pain than what I'm feeling. I achieved... nothing. My face is full of tears coming one after the other. I don't know what to do. I don't want to smash anything, scream or shout. My anger is just gone and instead, my body is full of anguish. I can't stop thinking about it. Please, someone! Anyone! Aessa... Master. I don't want to be alone. I just... The tears don't stop my whole body is shaking. My teeth are firmly gripped on my lip. I just want it to stop.

After which is about thirty minutes of crying. I wipe away my tears with my arm that hurts the least, deep breaths go in and out of my body as I'm trying to calm myself down. My feet slip into my tattered shoes and I slide open the door. A thousand needles of pain surge through my chest because of the sudden use of its muscles causing me to clench my teeth so I can ignore it. I'm in the room where I met those guys who saved me from the wolves. Three pairs of eye lay on me in surprise.

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