"Punk: Simulation"

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"How..." I couldn't finish my question towards Edward since my body is still in shock after the Purity Chamber.

"Well, I was looking for you around Karnor with Help and I got shot with something on my neck and I passed out and passed on here," Edward explains squatting, so his eye level with me.

"Steam..." I mumble under my breath. But why? What's his angle?

"Wow, so you come from the outside world as well. They seem to be getting people from there a lot. I hope it isn't about REBIRTH," Eran wanders looking at the poster.

"What... Is... It? What is PROJECT REBIRTH," I ask getting up from the wall still seeing double of everyone, but ultimately ignoring it.

"It's this cool Project. We've been training for our whole lives for. Only one gets to be the candidate of controlling God's Rebirth," he explains, before I can continue interrogating him about this project a warden stroll through my door.

"Get in the main hall. The mistress is making an announcement," he informs us while giving us a stern look and leaving the room.

"What does that bitch want now?" I say, slowly getting my strength back.

"Don't refer to the Mistress like that," Lina scolds slapping me round the back of my head.

"If I recall correctly, she was the one that hurt Punk," Edwards says, helping me up. I gesture to him that I don't need it and get up myself.

"Yeah, she is," I confirm heading out the door to go to this assembly.

"Wait, Punk!" Lina shout stopped me in my tracks.

I turn around confusedly, "What?"

"You haven't got any clothes on mate," Eran says, trying to stifle sniggers holding up my shirt, "You shouldn't have told him Lina. It would be funny if he walked out like that."

I look down at my body and realize I have only got my shorts on. I snatch the shirt from his hands and put them on.

"Any other problems?" I look at everyone for a response, but they all shake their heads. Satisfied, I leave the room with to the mess hall with everyone following behind me.

Walking down the corridor the three caught up with me. Eran puts his hands on my shoulder playfully, "Well?"

"Well, what?" I ask, wondering what he is on about.

"How did the chamber feel? I've heard stories, but I need your educated opinion. Don't miss out any details," he says

"Why do you want to know?" Lina asks suspiciously.

"What's with the tone just curious. You always have to fucking second guess everything I do," he says defensively.

"I can't remember specifically. All I know it's just something I don't want to experience again," I answer, thinking back to the time. I can't remember the feeling it just hurt. Like I was dead and alive at the same time.

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