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The sound of the train moving is all I can hear as I look out the window at the night sky

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The sound of the train moving is all I can hear as I look out the window at the night sky. This grudge... what will I have to become to finish it? Watching the darkness in the sky, I start to notice little lights shining through as the black clouds become more transparent. More of these minuscule lights start to dot the darkness until they can be seen everywhere. Stars. I notice Aessa quietly praying to herself across me and Aeleos twitching and panting in his sleep. Then I return my gaze to the starry sky. Thinking back on when I left the house.

Mother, she stood there with Butler at the front door. She looked alright, she regained her icy composure. At first, I thought she was going to put up a fight so I couldn't leave, but instead, she let us walk past. She was staring at me while we were leaving, it was chilling me to the bone. So, to make her think I'm not a monster, I apologized and quickly left without any room for discussion or reply. While she was watching me go. Thing didn't want me to go, but I had to. I left Thing with Franken to take care of him. I know Franken will do his best because he took care of me. After this I'll return to Thing and be the big brother that Steam could never be, but...

Was that the best move?

My train of thought gets interrupted as I start to identify different colored lights beaming up at the stars turning them into a different color. We're nearly there.

Aeleos' breathing quickens as his twitching becomes more erratic. "Aessa!" I whisper loudly interrupting her from her prayer, but also conscious of the other sleeping refugees on the train. She jolts and looks up at me. "Wake him up," I tell her. She nods and gently puts her hand on his shoulder. He jumps awake breathing heavily, sweat covering his forehead, he has his hand on his sword hilt.

"We're nearly there," I inform him purposely not asking him about his nightmare.

After regaining his senses, he asks, "Why on here, though wasn't there an easier way to infiltrate this city."

I shake my head, "This was the only safe way without causing any breaches in our treaty. If we enter illegally we would be starting another war especially with my importance," I explain to him.

Thinking back to the Father's plans on how to save the Master.

"Rule number one, son, and this is the most important rule of any rescue mission. Keep It Quiet."

That's why we took this refugee train, it's the only way we can legally enter the country without creating too much noise. This train is used for people from other lands who are seeking asylum in what they believe is the 'land of opportunities.' Even though it is dark you can vaguely see the type of people in the train. There are families who are sick and poor in the carriageway, some who have no clothing except rags which cover their groin. There are people whose ribs stick out of their skin because of how hungry they are, there are also people with looks of paranoia in their eyes as they are escaping their lands for treacherous crimes they'd committed.

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