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Boruto's POV

The morning after Christmas, we were all pretty tired. Dad and Uncle Sasuke decided to see how was the 'Stronger Dad' and see who could drink more sake. Mom and Aunt Sakura warmed them not to but what did they do? They each drank about one and a half bottles of the gross sake(idk a lot about alcohol so...yeah. They're real drunk, just to say that). So unhealthy. Let's just say, Uncle Sasuke won by quite a bit. Since Aunt Sakura was so angry, Mom offered Sarada to stay at our house for the night or at least until Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura (who drank about 1/6 bottle) were both sober. We didn't want Sarada getting caught up in some mess between the two. Mom was able to throw Dad in bed and lock him in his room because when he's drunk- he's stupid. He actually almost used a Rasengan and awakened Kurama to open the front door because he used his house key....the key was upside down. The front door was unlocked even before he tried using the key.

I walked downstairs, hoping Dad was sober but by the fact he was still not there- he was still locked up. I walked to the kitchen and was about to make some breakfast but Sarada was already on it. "Good morning, bed head." Sarada said. She was so cute. She had her hair back in a ponytail, which streamed down to her waist, and she was in a red apron. She's always adorable- who am I kidding.

"Whatcha makin?" I asked her as I leaned against the counter next to her. "Hope you guys like pancakes and bacon with biscuits." Sarada smiled. I nodded. "Need any help or anything?" I asked. She shook her head as she mixed the batter in the bowl. "Boruto?" She asked. I looked to her, signaling my attention was hers. "What is the meaning of the bracelet you got me? I mean, I love it and I know this might sound harsh and please don't take it the wrong way but...usually each gift has a meaning." She said, obviously afraid of hurting my feelings. I smiled. "Ya know....I went to the jewelry store alone. I chose the gold instead of silver because you have a heart as pure as gold. The words engraved in it...well, that's something I'll explain later. The first little jewel on it, the red one, it represents your soul that's on fire all the time. The second- the black one that fades into a white, that one represents my heart- you are making my heart more and more pure everyday." I explained. She began tearing up. "C'mon don't cry!! Sarada, I love you!!" I said as I hugged her and let her cry into my shoulder.

"The sweatshirt I gave you.....that was actually one that my Uncle, Uncle Itachi I'm pretty sure it was, wanted to give to my Dad when he was little but it never worked out. My Dad wanted me to pass it to a loved one so, I chose you." She said.

Sarada and I finished the breakfast and woke everyone up but Dad. That was Moms job. They were gone for a pretty long time and very quiet- suspiciously quiet. Sarada and I weren't sure what to do do we just ate with Hima.

They finally came out to eat. They were ready for the day and I suppose that's what was taking so long. "So, what's Sarada doing here?" Dad asked. "Dear, I already told you. She's here because Sasuke and Sakura are both drunk and we were worried that she might get caught in some trouble between the two." Mom said. "Right, right." Dad said, pouring himself a cup of tea.

We finished and cleaned up. Afterward, Dad and Mom let me take Sarada out for a bit. I got changed into some nicer clothes and the sweatshirt Sarada gave me. She changed into her normal outfit- which she hadn't been wearing originally while cooking.

I honestly hoped that her parents were still drunk. That meant I would be able to hang out with her even more and the rest of my family could adjust a little easier to her. "Boruto? Is something on you mind?" She asked me, pulling me out of my world of thoughts. "Huh? Well, yes but no. Don't worry about it." I said. She sighed and grabbed my hands, letting her fingers intertwine with mine. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Boruto?" She asked. "What's up?" I asked. "I love you." She said, kissing my cheek. I did he same and responded with "How much you wanna bet I love you more?" to start an interesting little argument.

We continued down the main path of the village, just walking around together. All was peaceful until we saw two people. Uncle Sasuke and Aunt Sakura. Let's just say that Uncle Sasuke was carrying a screaming Aunt Sakura down each road- probably still drunk. I looked to Sarada as she dragged me into the dango shop. "Let's just pretend that didn't happen." She said, buying two sticks of dango.

After we ate, I walked her home. "You ok?" I asked, noticing she had been pretty quiet for some time. "Just nervous. What if they're still drunk?" She asked. I wrapped her into a hug. "Don't worry. I'll go in with you." I said.

We walked into the house. "Uncle Sasuke!? Aunt Sakura!? You home?" I shouted. "What do you want, brat?" Uncle Sasuke yelled, a harsh tone. Yep. Definitely still drunk. "You're coming back with me." I told Sarada.

We got back to my house. "Boruto, you're back. Are they still..." Mom began. "Yeah. I hope it's ok that she stays again." I said. "It's perfectly fine." Mom said. "Thank you, Aunt Hinata." Sarada said. "Wanna chill?" I asked. "Sure. What video games do you have? Anything new?" She asked as we kept walking. "Well, I've got this new fighting game." I said as we finally reached my room and I started up my computer.

As we finished playing, we began to question if it'd be weird to still call each other's parents 'aunt' and 'uncle' since we're dating in all. "I mean, I think it's fine since we aren't blood related and we just call them that because our parents were close friends." Sarada mentioned. "True, but still..." I began, trying to find some sort of argument against her to have a little fun. "Still what?" Sarada asked sassily. "Fine, you win, Sara." I said, realizing I hadn't said her full name. "Sara?" She asked. "Heh, sorry about that." I said guiltily. "No, it's fine, I actually like it. Does that mean I can call you Boru?" She asked. "I mean, I guess I don't care." I said.  "Ok then, Boru." She said with a smirk as if she was gonna start a tickle fight with me or something.

We ran downstairs and plopped on the couch to watch more movies. "You two want popcorn or anything?" Mom asked. "Sure, thanks." I said. As she made the popcorn, I let Sarada get comfortable as she snuggled into my chest. I always loved the feeling of someone shorter hugging or cuddling into me. The couch we sat on has a footrest, that's where I laid. I used the footrest to lay down a bit and Sarada laid on the main couch part and leaned against me. That was just so you could see how we were laying.

"Here ya go, you two." Mom said, giving me a bowl of popcorn. "Thanks, Mom." I said quietly, taking the bowl and trying to let Sarada keep sleeping against me. Mom smiled sweetly at me, probably because of Sarada and I laying down together, and left us alone. "Boru....." Sarada mumbled. I looked to her. She was still asleep, probably sleep-talking. I smiled at her and ran my hand through her hair. I wasn't sure if she was having a nightmare or dreaming just fine but I wanted to let her know I was here either way. I saw her beautiful smile as she kind of snuggled closer to me. This doesn't feel right. I thought. I sighed. "Sara?" I asked. She woke up and looked to me. "Something doesn't feel right. I feel like there's something I'm not doing right." I said. "What's wrong, Boruto?" She asked. "I don't know. Something just feels off." I said. Dad came running downstairs. "Boruto. Do you feel what I'm feeling?" He asked me. "If it's feeling weird then yes." I said. I looked to Sarada, who had worry painted all over her face. I gave her a gentle smile. "It'll be ok. Just stay with Mom and Himawari. Please, protect them." I said to Sarada. I started to get up off of my seat to join Dad.

"Boruto, wait." Sarada said.
I turned to her, absolutely oblivious to what was going to happen.
She reached over to my face, pulled my head closer and kissed me. I kissed her back. I wanted this moment to last forever but I also needed to go. She released from it and looked at me. "Be careful. I love you, Boru." She said.

"I will. I love you, Sara."

Heyyyyy it's been a while! Sorry, I've been on vacation but I'll try to start updating soon!

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