Chapter 25- My Nightmare ( The End)

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Sora P.O.V
I couldn't believe it. She was gone. The cold breeze blowing through my hair as I stared out into the forest. Sashiru was actually gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder , turning around to see Skyler with concern written over her face. I gave her a soft smile before turning to look out at the forest once more , I felt Skyler tug on my hand. I relunctly left with her , taking short glances back at the last place I had seen the love of my life.
I didn't talk the whole ride home , nobody said anything to me. Probably worried they'd set me off. I was so lost in my own mind that time seemed to slow , and it was as if I was the only person left in this world. As if I was now trapped in my own little bubble of fear , and devestation. The realization that she was gone , and probably never coming back was too much to handle.
I raised my hands to my head, " this can't be true...this can't be true" I mumble to myself , rocking back and forth. It was all my fault. All my fault....
I let out a scream , flashes of her wolf filling my mind , I was loosing control , head spinning , tears streaming down my face. I was shaking , feeling the distant touch of others as they tried to hold me in place.
" It's all my fault ! It's all my fault!" I wailed , I ripped at my hair , the pain of loosing her getting to me , I was on the edge of the cliff of sanity waiting to drop into the pool of madness. I looked around me , concerned faces pearing back , until one thing caught my eye. One of them had a needle. God knows where they had gotten it from. I went to pull away , but they all held a tight grip on me. I screamed out as the needle pierced my skin. My eyes starting to grow heavy , until eventually they closed, the darkness greeting me.
I awoke , sitting up. Or well attempting to. I looked down at my body , finding that I had been restrained against a table. My head was still half asleep , so I didn't say a word. " Sora it's not your fault. It's the scientists. We can't get her back unless you stay sane and help us" A voice said , still too dazed to figure out who people are. " Sora , you need to be strong" Another said this time sounding deeper so I assumed one of the boys. I woke up a little more , gaining the mind power to use my voice, " I don't care anymore. I just want to die" I replied , Looking over at the group of them huddled into a corner . " Sora don't start this" My sister said anxiously. " No. It's not my problem" I reply bluntly before breaking the chains around me , and sliding off the table. They looked bewildered. " Even if we did go after her. It would be my battle not yours." I stated , " We cared about her to-" I cut her off , " Not like me! You didn't love her like I did! You didn't loose the love of your life!" I screamed , before storming off towards my room. We were in our parents house. When they finally decided to show up they showed us their new home. It was pretty cool. Although that wasn't what was on my mind at this point.
Entering my room , I slammed the door. Pacing back and forth I wondered what to do. I hated myself for not protecting her. I hated myself for bring her into this mess. I hated myself because shes now in the mits of the scientists because of me , it's all my fault. I fell to the floor , tears escaping my eyes once more. I wanted to run after her , I didn't care if it took months to find her , but I needed to. I couldn't though. I couldn't go in this state. I was weak , the pain took energy from me and now I was just an emotional wreck. Not suitable for a war. I lay in a ball on the ground , arms wrapped around myself. I had to get better. I had to if it's the only way I will become strong enough to rescue Sashiru.
It had been about a month since Sashiru had run off. I was a lot healthier and under control then I was earlier. I walked in out of my closet , packing clothes into the duffel bag , then grabbing the toiletries. I would be leaving to go after Sashiru in about 10 minutes. I was going alone. I didn't want people to see the monster i'd turn into when I finally shift. I may have been a kitten originally but the main reason the scientists wanted me to fight for them was because of the uniqueness of the cerium they used on me. I could become a larger and stronger form then the casual kitten I usually become. This form was deadly and could kill me if it goes wrong at anytime but it was worth if it meant I could save Sashiru.
I picked up my duffel bag. Slinging it over my shoulders. I jogged down the stairs , into the kitchen and into the arms of Skyler. "Promise me you will be safe" she mumbles next to my ear , squeezing me tighter. "I promise" I replied as she let me go , " Yeah be safe dude" Nick said as he entered the kitchen. It was nice to see that him and Skyler had gotten closer. I was proud of her. She could be happy now.

All I had ever wanted in life was to live in peace , be happy , and have a family. Of coarse I couldn't have that if you hadn't already notice but I guess I could continue to try. Right now my main priority though was to rescue my baby girl. I couldn't let Sashiru go through this alone. I had to go through it with people who just though of me as the next big thing in the weapon industry and trust me that was no picnic. I wanted to be the one who taught her how to control her powers , to hold her in my arms if she ever felt alone as the transformation tore through her mind and body. It wasn't an easy life moving into one like that. It's a lot harder then I make it look now.

I said my last good-byes before jumping into my car. I had to be fast if I was going to catch up to her. I need to get to her as fast as I could , before the scientists could lay their hands on her.....

I drove as fast as I could down the main road , I needed to get to the checkpoint where I could leave my car in a shed we owned before heading out on foot. I couldn't search for her the whole time in this car , it just wasn't as simply as that.

I neared the checkpoint , getting ready to park the car and get moving as fast as I could. I saw the shed , turning sharply onto the rough dirt road , onto a track that led me straight to it. Parking out the front I threw the doors open , before getting back into the car , driving it in. I closed the door , locking the car inside , my duffel bag on my shoulders.

I moved further into the forest.So I could shift without the danger of someone from the public seeing. Placing my duffel bag onto my shoulders , I got down on my hands and knees. I could feel the pain start to shoot up my arms and legs but I bit down on my tongue to stop myself from calling out in pain , the transformation had begun and it was too late to stop it now. My bones cracked , shifting into new places and postions , my jaw extending and teeth sharping until finally I had completed the transformation. I was now a panther. A very unsual one to say the least but atleast it was something stronger then the kitten I usually was. I let out a thunderous growl as I lunged into a fast speeding pace into the undergrowth.....

'If it is the last thing I do. I will find you Sashiru and I will save you from this hell bound curse I have set apon you. I will help you get through this and I will not forgive myself if the scientists take you away from me. I just can't stand knowing that you aren't here with me in my arms but somewhere alone and confused. I promise you this  , I will never love anyone other then you....My darling...I will save you...'I think to myself silently looking up at the sky before focusing back at the task at hand....

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