Chapter 8 - Is This Good-Bye

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Chapter 8 - Is This Good-Bye?

Shuko P.O.V

I couldn't decide , I didn't know if I should save Sora and let them be together or if I should lie and say that he died before i could save him, but then wouldn't she be heart broken and not want me anyway ? Theirs always that possibility , but will I risk it ? That's the question I ask myself as I walk down the path towards the scientist's lab , 'I guess you will decide when you get there' the voice that mocked me said it's voice as silky as ever , as I walked I noticed more and more homeless people appearing on the sides of the streets as if it was a meeting of utter pity , as if people would just stop and hand over their hard earned cash to the waste that clogged up the side walk , I guess you could call me a spoilt brat for thinking that they were just a bunch of lazy pigs that lay out in the cold to feel others pity rather then have to feed off their own , but I suppose that's just my view on these people . It started to get colder , the wind was picking up and I had forgotten my coat back at the hospital , I better hurry and find Sora and John , I have doubts that she's safe , all alone in that unpredictable hospital . For some strange reason , when ever the wind blew across my face I could hear voices pass my ears , little whispers , little pleas of help , I suspect it would be the lost souls of this town as this was one of the worlds most haunted towns , and of coarse I believe in ghosts cause if I can exist they must be able to as well. I reached the front door of the scientists lab and knocked , a young girl with black hair and a white lab coat answered . " May I help you ?" She asked raising an eyebrow , " No thank - you" I said as I pushed her out of the way and broke through the next door not even bothering to check if it was open , the same pale white walls as usual surrounded me , I walked down the corridor looking through the little glass windows on the wall seeing if I could spot Sora's cage but as I went to turn the corner I heard someone scream out in pain , I quickly looked back into the last door before the corner and I saw Sora laying on the floor in a pool of blood his eyes red and puffy from crying and there next to him holding a whip was John . ' That bastard ' I thought as I burst through the door setting the alarms off , John spun around and flicked the whip at me , missing by inches I quickly shifted and pounced on him , knocking the whip from his hands , I stabbed my claws into his shoulders making him scream out , he kicked his legs and tried to push me off the top of him but I just sunk them deeper into his flesh . I removed my claws and I bit into his neck , I ripped away , pulling his throat away with my teeth , He coughed up blood as he gasped his last words . " Beware of the ripper" He whispered before his eyes closed and the sound of his heartbeat was lost . ' The Hunters?' I thought confused and then I realized I still had Sora to deal with . I turned around to see Sora slowly lifting himself up , he looked terrible and I could almost feel pity for him, I walked over and kicked him in the face , he feel to ground moaning in pain , " What was that for?" He asked confused , " What do you think ? You feral cat" I spat the anger inside myself rising , " I haven't done anything so why are you being like this ? " He questioned and I kicked him the stomach, " You brought an innocent girl into the world of shifters , you nearly got her killed twice , and you have caused her so much pain , now do you understand why I am angry?!" I yelled at him , " She decided this herself , she decided she wanted to be in this life , she chose it not me " He said looking down , " Yeah well I am suposed to save you so , get up" I said ripping him up by his hair , he yelped as I dragged him through the now blood stained corridor , I laughed at him as he tried to crawl up the stairs , When he finally got the strength to walk , we walked together down the path towards the hospital , his blood leaving a pattern of droplets down the path as he walked , I guess I had made my decision , ' You let him live , what a silly boy' the devilish voice in my head said to me making me smirk , ' I'm not silly , I'm smart ' I thought back , we reached the hospital and got in , we quickly made it into Sashiru's room without being noticed . ' Phew' I thought as I saw Sashiru open her eyes and tears started to fall down her cheeks. I walked over to a seat in the far corner and sat down , I watched as Sora slowly walked over to her bed and gently grab her hand , I looked away in disgust , ' How can she like that idiot?' I thought smirking.

Sora P.O.V

I watched as Sashiru's eyes slowly opened , followed by an erruption of tears , I slowly approached her bed , and lifted her hand into mine , I lent down and kissed her forehead as my own tears formed at the edge of my eyes , it hurt me to see her like this , and Shuko has every right to hate me , I did this to her , I should have forced her out of it , I'm the reason she's in here , it's all my fault. I heard the door open and I turned around sharply , and I calmed as I realized it was only a nurse , " I'm here to inform miss Sashiru that she is free to leave the hospital today , she has recovered enough to leave now " The nurse said as she turned around and walked out the door . Sashiru sat up and gave me a hug , she started squeezing tighter and tighter until I could barely breath and then she let go and kissed my cheek . I smiled at her as I felt a blush spread across my face , I really did love her , but then does she still love me?...... I forgot about that , I guess I just got so excited that I forgot that one important thing , but what if she doesn't ? Then what ? Will I wander alone across the streets , eating out of trash cans , getting hit by cars , laying in the middle of the road in the pouring rain ........... " Sashiru" I say without thinking , " Yes Sora?" She replies confused , " Do you still love me ?" I say gulping , She looks up , eyes filled with guilt , she lays back down without replying . " Do ........You ...........Still...........Love ...........Me? " I say finding it hard to say each word without crying out , she still remained quiet , I went to walk away when she grabbed my hand , even Shuko was looking up curiously now , " I.........Don't ..........Know........I haven't decided" She said quietly a tear sliding down her cheek . I nodded and walked out the door slowly , her soft whimpers echoing in my ears , I felt my own tears slide down my cheeks , weird stares from the nurses and doctors followed me wherever I stepped until finally one nurse stepped forward and asked me to come with her so she could help me with my wounds , I nodded without doing much more and followed her to a white room , she walked over to a tall cupboard and picked up a bottle of anesthetic and some cotton wool balls . She gently started dabbing my wounds , making me wince in pain . Even though I was in pain I couldn't take my mind off Sashiru , she is my everything , or well I suppose was my everything , I looked up to see the face of the nurse smile as she placed a bandage around my leg , she was very pretty , and without noticing it I had grabbed the nurses arms and pulled her closer to me , pressing my lips against hers , surprisingly she kissed back and I released my grip on her , I muttered an awkward apology before letting her continue with patching me up. ' You idiot , you just kissed another girl other then Sashiru , It's like you don't want to be with her again' the voice in my head spat at me , I smirked ' Well she doesn't love me anymore so maybe I don't ' I replied back but I already knew how I really felt , I really do want to be with her but that isn't going to happen anytime soon I don't think. When she had finished bandaging me up she winked at me and walked out the door , I sat there for awhile regreting the mistake I had made and I slowly fell asleep .

Shuko P.O.V

I watched as Sora walked out the door , I wanted to follow him but what about Sashiru , I looked over at her and she was crying , her face was squashed into the pillow , her tears soaking it . I quickly hurried out the door , I would be back in a minute , I just needed to find Sora , I started to pick up his scent . As I followed his scent , I arrived at a door that was partially opened , I looked in just as Sora grabbed the nurse and pulled her into him , kissing her , and her kiss back . I stepped back and fell to the ground leaning against the wall , ' That idiot , it's like her doesn't love her at all , it's like she's just another one of his little toys in his game he plays ' I thought disgusted , I shook my head and made my way back to Sashiru's room , ' I hope shes ok ' I thought as I entered to find her holding a scalple above her heart about to stab it into herself , as she went to stab herself I ripped the scalple from her hands and jumped on top of her holding her down ." I'm going to take you home ok? I will look after you , you don't need him , you have me" I whispered into her ear as she relaxed . " Ok " She said as I climbed off her and helped her out of her bed , we collected her stuff and we checked her out. 

Sashiru P.O.V

I stepped out of the hospital doors and I saw the sun setting , I smiled as I stepped down the steps. " Home now , time to go home " I whispered quietly a single tear escaping . 'Is this Good-Bye' I thought as I looked back and smiled .............Only time will tell I suppose......

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