Chapter 16 ~ Flashback

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Sashiru P.O.V

Sweat rolled down the side of my face, as the already soaked bed sheets clung to my squirming body. Flashes of colour and images showed in front of me, some of a man with black hair and green eyes, others of needles and white rooms. It was as if the images were trying to paint me a picture of some sort, one that I was yet to piece together. As I shot up, I felt a cold but comforting hand on my shoulder, turning my head to find Sora with a concern ridden face. I breathed in with a heavy breath, my heart pounding in my chest as if it might jump out of my chest. Sora pulled me closer to him, pulling me into his arms, holding me tight. ‘What happened?’ he asked softly in my ear, ‘It was a dream of some sort…It’s been happening for a while now. Same images, all flashing in front of me every time.’ I whispered softly. ‘What…are they of..?’ He whispered pulling me closer as I tried to move away, ‘Of a man, with black hair and ….green eyes, with white rooms and needles surrounding me.’ I said as I finally pulled away, Sora’s usually bright eyes, suddenly turn a dark angry looking blue.

He jumped up off the bed , starting to pace back and forth hands on his head and worry painted on his face. ‘What is it…? Do you know what they mean..?’ I questioned quietly as he stopped for a moment looking up at me, his face softened. ‘The man…the one you described in your “dreams” his name is Rez. One of the main scientists in the SHIFTER program, and white walls and needles? Has to be the hospital. Shuko did say something about a scientist poisoning you in the hospital….so maybe that was Rez’ He said running his fingers through his hair. I thought about what he had said, thinking it through, trying to understand everything he had been saying. Everything added up but why?  Why would he poison me unless it wasn’t…? Suddenly I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body, I fell t0 the floor crying out in pain. Sora dropped to the ground crawling towards me as my body started to shake. I couldn’t feel anything but the pain running through my arms and legs.

Sora P.O.V

I cradled Sashiru as her body started to shake in my arms , strangly enough everything that was happened seemed like symptoms of….becoming a shifter. This can’t be…Rez must have put the serium in her! Not poisoned her! Sashiru slowly stopped shaking and passed out in my arms…

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