Chapter 18 - Unknown Caller ID

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Sashiru P.O.V

I sat up off the cold floor , rubbing my  eyes gently. Sora was still asleep and I didn't plan on waking him up, he deserved a sleep in. Instead I grabbed a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around him , placing a pillow underneath his head. I smiled as he let out a soft moan , before turning to answer the phone that was ringing.

I looked at the screen to see who it was but it was an unknown caller id. I answered the phone , only to be greeted by heavy breathing , followed by a husky voice . ' 3 months and 7 days. 3 months and 7 Days till the full moon my dear' a shiver ran down my spine , the voice sounded familiar , but I couldn't figure out where from. I placed my phone back on the bed and stood up , heading towards the kitchen to make a coffee to forget about the call. As I sat at the kitchen bench sipping the luke warm coffee I held in my hands I heard a series of footsteps coming from the staircase. 'Sora must be awake'  I think to myself as I stood up , placing my mug on the bench before tending to a pile of dirty dishes. I glanced up from the sink to find a familiar face in front of me. I smiled softly before continuing on , only to be pulled into a loving embrace by my waist. I giggled as he lifted me into the air , then placing me on the bench in front of him. I blushed a shade of red as I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me , he wrapped his arms around my neck before placing a short but sweet kiss on my lips causing me to have a explosion of emotions inside , butterflies roaring up and heat floating through my cheeks. I felt like a normal school girl in love , something I hadn't felt in a awhile and it was nice. After Sora had removed his arms from me I let out a sigh of disappointment and Sora chuckled at the childish expression I held. I slapped him softly on the shoulder before jumping off the bench , leaving him to finish the dishes as punishment for teasing me. 

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School. I hate school. Stupid teachers. We had to go back today , otherwise it would be really suspicious , I mean students randomly leaving school for a few moments here and there definitely wasn't gonna look good on our reports. I sighed as I took a sip from my green tea I made for myself to try and be a bit healthier , considering the coffee was starting to make me look as if I was in the first few months of pregnancy. Sora had left early saying he needed to stop by someones house but he didn't say who , which left me standing in our empty kitchen confused and paranoid about his where-about.

Sora's P.O.V

I entered the destroyed labs halls , this place should be deserted by now and they would have left the files behind if I'm not mistaken either. I walked towards the main office , frantically searching for anything related to Sashiru's sudden symptoms of shifter abilities. Then I found it . A file with her name on it , along with my own file which I tucked inside of my coat for later. I opened the file , only to be shocked by the pieces of information found inside causing my stomach to twist with uneasiness.

The file said , 

                                'Sashiru De la veira Patient #3006,

1996 -Sashiru our newest patient has recently been born and is currently being moved into her new home with parents who are still unaware of their partnership with us and the government. Sashiru is now the biggest project we have running at the moment , apart from the #3003 patient Jay Jackson. Sashiru has not been put under the authorisation of the SHIFTER program but is currently being studied until further notice.

1999 - Sashiru's parents have been executed for attempts of removing Sashiru from the hands of the government , which possibly could have caused a major problem in oporation #2056. Sashiru is currently in shock and undercover thearpy to help keep her stable. 

2008- Sashiru is still unaware of her future of past , although frequent flashes of past haunt her causing her to have several breakdowns , resolved with continued thearpy and special medication that should help prepare her body over the next few years before serium #0034 is injected into her blood.

2014 - Serium has been planted in body , #0034 aka 'The Twiglight Project' has been realesed and mind chip planted. Sashiru's body will slowly start to adapted to serium until 12 months have passed and the serium has bonded with dna and mind chip. '    

I dropped the file , my mind spinning , this just couldn't be true. After a few minutes of processing I grabbed the file and shoved it in my bag , I was going to be late for school but right now that was the last thing on my mind. I had to talk to Shuko , Abeni , and Skyler alone. Not now , but later.


I entered the school grounds , signing myself in before joining Sashiru in art. She had a worried look on her face but brightened up when I wrapped my arms around her, telling her I was just visiting Skyler and Nick. Sashiru had just finished her pottery assignment as I put my apron on and I chuckled at the disappointed look on her face, before siting behind her whilst getting a new piece of clay and placing her hands in mine . I put our hands against the clay and turned the machine on , helping her maneuver the piece of material to make a perfect pot shape before leaving her to start on my own. As usually the day went fast , and by 2pm Sashiru and I were in bed cuddling whilst watching the latest episode of Adventure Time still one of my all time favourite shows. Sashiru soon fell asleep and curiousity towards my file grew intense until finally I pulled it out from the bedside draws and opened it , only to find that within the first few sentences I knew that I was something I never thought possible.....

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