Chapter 9 - Running Free

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Chapter 9 - Running Free 

Sora P.O.V

I awoke to someone tapping me lightly on my shoulder , I could hear soft murmurs of the person tapping me , something along the lines of " Get......Up" and then finally got sick of trying to wake me up nicely that the just kicked me off and I fell to the cold cement floor. I quickly shot up as I remembered that I had kissed that nurse and cheated on Sashiru although technically it wasn't cheating as we aren't together but either way what I did was bad and I will never forgive myself .I looked around the room to see who the ' Not so very Patient ' person who kicked me off the bed to find Skyler staring at me blankly , she sighed as I stood up and brushed the dust off my pants . Skyler turned around and walked over to the cupboard by the window , she pulled out a bottle of what looked like panadol but I looked closely at it and realized it was a chemical that caused the ability to shift , ' Why does she have that' I thought as I slowly picked myself up and walked towards her . She turned sharply and raised an eyebrow at my blank look as she looked back at the bottle she held in her hand , " It has to be done" She whispered as she raised her other hand and swung towards my leg. At the last minute I jumped back as I saw a needle in her hand , "What are you doing !" I yelled at her , as she swung again . " I will remove your power to shift so I can be yours forever !" Skyler screamed as she swung once more . " Never" I calmly said as she stopped mid-swing , her eyes shining with passion and determination. I grabbed her hand and swiftly removed the needle from her grasp not wanting her to harm herself or me , I then led her over to the bed and laid her down , while covering with a blanket and kissing her softly on the forehead . I quietly walked backwards out of the room , keeping an eye on Skyler before stepping out the door shutting it lightly . As I turned I came to face Abeni , I hadn't seen her in awhile , I wonder where she was all this time , I snapped back to reality as I heard the words everyone dreads to hear ' I need to tell you something' . I looked at her , my eyes burning from staring into hers , I nodded my head as she raised an eyebrow at my reaction. " Sashiru and Shuko left the hospital together , she checked out and they went back to her place , but I thought it was weird you weren't with them" Abeni said placing her hand on her hip ," I was asleep , me and Sashiru aren't together anymore so why should I care who or where or what she is doing or is with" I said trying to disguise my true feelings about Sashiru and Shuko being together , " Well I thought because you Lov-" "I Don't love her anymore " I said before she could finish. " Oh?" She questioned , " Yeah , she couldn't tell me she loved me still and it was quite obvious she had made her decision but look I have to go , I have places to be and people to meet" I said turning away , raising my hand and waving good-bye I headed towards the front doors of the hospital , I already knew that what I was about to do was wrong but I was determined to stop Shuko from being with her , ' Even if he's your friend' the voice said sharply , ' Yes , anyways do you have a name?' I asked curiously , ' Yes , i'm called Val ' Val replied , ' Oh well now you can shut up ' I said as I blocked the thoughts running through my mind , I just needed to focus on this , focus on stopping those two from being together , even if it's the last thing I do before I die , Before the scientists come after me , avenging Jhon and maybe just maybe Rez will come for me . I arrived at the front of Sashiru's house , I was starting to change my mind , ' You are starting to think about how Sashiru feels right ?' Val asked questioning my thoughts , ' Yeah , I think that maybe she will be happier with Shuko , maybe doing this will just be hurting her more ' I replied sighing , ' Although that's true , what about you ? How do you feel?' Val responded his tone comforting in a way , which was surprising as Val was normally the mean one . ' Yeah I suppose I'm ok , I will be fine , at least I hope so' I thought back as I knocked on the door , as I turned around to look at the street and the Sunset behind me I heard footsteps heading towards the door.

Sashiru P.O.V

I heard a knock on the door , Shuko and I turned and looked at the door , Shuko shifted and followed me to the door as I stumbled over . I slowly opened the door to see the back of a familiar boys head , ' Sora' his name flickered into my head , ' Well I guess that wasn't goodbye ' I thought as he turned around . " Oh hey Sashiru um uh wha- how are you?" he said voice shaking as he combed his fingers through his hair , ' Think Sashiru , should you be all sweet and nice and happy to see him or rude and mean and angry at him because he left you ? Mean and rude it is ' I thought as I replied " I'm perfectly fine , Shuko has been taking good care of me , Now Good-Bye!" I spat as I slammed the door in his face , ' He deserved that ' The little voice in my head whispered and I just nodded in response as if the voice could see , I turned around , starting to walk to the kitchen , Shuko following quietly behind , not saying anything . When we entered the kitchen Shuko shifted back , He started to say " That was really bra-" , when I interrupted him " Thank-you Shuko for everything , looking after me and saving his butt when he needed it , I'm just glad that your my friend " I said smiling as a blush spread across his face , " I-t waaa-s nothi-ng " Shuko stuttered , I giggled as the blush depened and then asked " Are you Hungry?" and Shuko instantly said " Yes" . We sat at the kitchen table , eating sushi that I had made the night before , Shuko loves terriyaki chicken and I love the salmon one , we were eating in silence until I heard my phone buzz , ' Must be a message ' I thought as I picked it up , 'Abeni?" I thought as her name flashed on the screen , I clicked the message and it came up , it said ~Dear Sashiru , I just want to say that I hope every things going well with you and Sora and I hope Shuko's ok , I'm just caught up with something and wont see you guys for awhile , I miss you all and I will see you guys soon , well at least that's what i'm hoping , tell Shuko that I love him and that I'm safe and that he has to stay safe too , Love Abeni ~ I gasped , and Shuko just raised an eyebrow questioning my expression , ' Should I tell him? It would be for the best I suppose ' I thought as I slid my phone across the table , he picked it up . I watched as his expression slowly changed from confused to concerned and angry . " Why? How could she ? How could she do this to herself and me ? She's practically saying that she might die ? Why? Why? Why?" He said holding his head in his hands , teeth clenched together , and a tear rolling down his cheek. I sighed as he looked up , His eyes full of guilt , I smiled " Go if You need to" I whispered and he nodded a thank-you as he stood , walking towards the door. ' I hope they stay safe' I thought as Shuko turned and smiled waving before shutting the door behind him , ' I guess i'll never have a normal life ever again ' I thought as I stood up rinsing my plate and placing in the sink , 3 days till school starts . ' At least I can try ' I thought before walking upstairs to my room , with a pen and school revision folder .

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