Chapter 13 - Match Maker

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Nick P.O.V 

I woke up to find that Sashiru was gone , I looked around the room but no sign of her. Until I found a note on the dresser , It said that she had gone for a walk but this looks like it had been here for longer then a short walk. I quickly grabbed my coat and rushed out the front door , I had to find her , I had to. I was running down the pathway now , I was desperate to find her , I just hope that nothing had happened to her. As I ran down the path , searching frantically for Sashiru my heart was pounding , thoughts of how I could be too late clouded my mind. That's until I saw her through the front window of a pale blue house , I stopped short and bolted to the door throwing it open , two startled faces looked up from the far corner and one of them Sora. Sora had his arms wrapped around Sashiru , jealousy and anger burned inside me until a girl with long brong hair and crystal blue eyes flew down the stairs. My eyes caught her gaze and butterflies came to life in my stomach. Sashiru must have noticed this as she stood up and introduced us.

Sashiru got up and walked over to me placing a hand on my shoulder , " Nick this is Skyler , Skyler this is Nick. Skyler is Sora's sister" she said as I noticed a blush creep onto Skyler's face causing me to chuckle. 

Skyler looked up at me with innocent eyes , " It's uh -um nice to meet you" she said softly 

I grabbed her hand in mine , " No the pleasure is all mine" I said as I kissed her hand gently making her blush deepen.

I saw Sashiru smile from the corner of my eye , " You two would make a cute couple" She blurts out causing Skyler and I have our jaws fall to the floor.

Skyler started to fiddle with her hands , " Uh um well um uh I don't know , he is uh um kinda cute I guess" she said having trouble saying each word.

I felt the blush creep onto my face , " well she's kinda cute too, but Sashiru your not trying to play match maker are you?" I said as Sashiru looked at me with a passionate shine in her eyes.

She smiled brightly , " I'll never tell " she said giggling softly to herself.

I sighed , " Oh Sashiru " I said laughing.

She looked at Skyler and then back at me , she smiled a smile that looked like she was up to something , " Well sorry to love you and leave you guys but Sora and I have somewhere to go so you too should stay here until we get back" She said but before either of us could answer she had Sora by the arm and was out the door. 

Well today should be interesting now that Skyler and I have been paired in " Sashiru's Famous Match Making Show" I chuckled at the thought and Skyler looked at me awkwardly.

She started walking towards the kitchen , " would you like a cup of tea ?" She asked as I nodded giving her a soft smile as a thank you.

Sashiru P.O.V   

I grabbed Sora's arm and ran out the door , this was perfect , Nick and Skyler and Sora and I . This had to be fate , I continued to run with Sora dragging behind me until I ran out of energy. Sora eventually caught his breath and we stood their for a few minutes huffing and puffing.

He stood up straight and stretched his arms above his head , " What was that all abo-" he started but before he could finished I pressed my lips against his and leant into his body as his arms snaked around my waist pulling me closer. 

I pulled back and smiled , " We can be together now , Nick has Skyler and I have you and now I don't need to deny my heart Sora , I can finally love you without any guilt in my heart" I said as kissed his forehead. 

He let go of my waist and held my hand instead , today was going to be our day of picking our pieces back up , starting over , and having the most fun we possibly can. We skipped down the path towards the city's main shopping center. When we entered , curious eyes followed us . Some smiled at us warmly and others looked at us disgusted , the disgusted ones were the girls at our school who all had the hotts for Sora. I fiddled around in my jeans pockets for my phone when I grabbed a hold of something soft and leathery , what I pulled out next surprised me but made me jump with joy. It was the collor I had bought Sora the first time we had been with each other , I walked over to Sora who was at hot topic looking at the range of Ghost Town shirts , he turned around and smiled. 

I giggled , " Hey Sora close you eyes and stand still for a sec" I said as he did what I asked I put the collor on him and told him to open his eyes.

When he did and looked in the mirror his smile grew wider and he wrapped his arms around me , picking me up and spinning me in a small circle. After we had bough about 6 bags of Ghost Town products including their newest album "The After Party" we left the shopping center and went to one of our favorite cafes. As we drank our tea we talked about the past , what happened in the old days and I told him about Shuko and Abeni's return. Sora was happy about Abeni returning but I could tell he and Shuko weren't exactly friends after I was hit by that truck. Maybe they could be friends once more but I guess we would just have to wait and see.

Nick P.O.V    

I had been in Skyler's house alone with her for the whole day , we had been watching movies and now we were watching ' Nightmare On Elm St'. Skyler was clinging to me , and my arms were wrapped around her loosely , It came up to a part were one of the characters is being killed and Skyler pretty much jumped into my lap. When it was over she looked up at me , her face inches from mine , her eyes so innocent looking. I saw he lean in , and I did the same until finally our lips touched . It was like fireworks had been set off inside me , we continued to kiss , her arms wrapped around my neck pulling me closer until we were interupted by the sound of knocking on the front door. Skyler quickly jumped off me and fixed herself up , she walked to the door and opened it to reveal Sora and Sashiru. They both waltzed in , Sashiru looked happier then even and Sora's face had returned to the concerned big brother look. Oh well I guess that's what happens when the girl your starting to like is siblings with the girl you still practically loves boy friend.

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