Chapter 5 - Whispers

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Chapter 5 - Whispers

Sashiru P.O.V

I awoke to the smell of pancakes and noticed my uniform was neatly folded on the end of the bed ," Such a sweetheart" I said swinging my legs over the bed and into my slippers. I heard a knock on the door." Come In" I called collecting my uniform and walked into my wardrobe as Sora opened the door."Mm smells delicious , It must be good if you cooked it" I said walking out of the wardrobe and winking at Sora." Well I hope so" He said winking back at me.I picked up a piece of bacon and quickly shoved it into my mouth , It was cooked perfectly , It was so ,so crispy and juicy. I quickly finished off the wonderful breakfast Sora had made for me and he washed the dishes for me." You are so sweet Sora Thank-You" I said walking over and hugging him tightly " No problem my little Angel " Sora said blushing and pulled away to grab his bag and walked out the door. As we walked down the path towards school hand in hand , people stared at us with warm eyes as we smiled and waved kindly. We were about to enter the school grounds when Amelia the school drama queen appeared before us. " Thus you shall not pass" She said in a deeply toned voice , ove Amelia" I said tapping my foot impatiently .I shall not move until you remove thus hands from thy cute guy" she said dramatically. I will not remove my hands from my cute boyfriend Amelia" I said pushing past her and dragging Sora along with me.We ended up being late for class of coarse because of Amelia and her addiction to date attractive guys. Me being a teachers favorite got out of trouble but Sora on the other hand suffered the consequences. He got afternoon detention. When class ended I found Skyler who was now my new best friend and went to art together and talked about Sora and I was finding more about him each time she spoke.At lunch we all sat together like one happy family but something was wrong , like something was on her mind. Skyler is everything ok?" I asked placing my head in my hands." Oh? every things ok" She said sighing and playing with her food." Skyler please tell me or at least Sora" I said picking up one of her hands in mine and squeezed it softly, " I ......... I can't , it doesn't matter ok!" She said picking her tray up and started to run out of the cafeteria." Skyler wait!" I shouted after her." Leave her she's .......... she's just having issues" Sora said standing up and grabbing his bag." Sora what's wrong with you now ?" I asked grabbing his wrist and turning him to face me."Nothing" He said pulling away." Sora!" I said as he walked away from me."What's wrong with you squirt?" Amelia asked sarcastically in my ear." Non of your business!" I yelled turning and headed towards the library.When I entered and saw the thousands of books layered on the shelf it gave me a sense of peace , of relief , of adventure. I always love coming to the library it was a place were I could escape into someone else story , to leave the unhappiness behind. I searched the shelves looking for my favorite book " To Kill A Mockingbird" I saw it from the corner of my eye and moved my hand to grab it but just as I went to lay my hands on it , It was removed from the shelf. I ran to the other side to see an unfamiliar face holding my book."Excuse me I was about to borrow that book" I said walking towards the person holding my book." Sorry , I just love this book and I'm new so I wanted to keep me occupied for the time been" the stranger said."Oh I thought you weren't from around here , I also love that book but don't worry I'll find a new one to read" I said smiling at him." Oh well Thank-You , Oh and I'm Shuko , What's your name?" He said continuing to hold the book keeping his eyes to the ground." I'm Sashiru , nice to meet you Shuko " I said holding my hand out for him to shake," Nice to meet you too Sashiru" He said shaking my outstretched hand.I heard a loud thump from behind me and I turned to see Sora standing there red faced , eyes full of guilt, he turned away forgetting to pick up the book he had dropped.

Sora P.O.V

I walked towards the bookshelf Sashiru sat near when she was glum, I carried " To Kill A Mockingbird" I brought her as a sorry gift. When I looked in the isle I saw Sashiru holding a guys hand. I dropped the book and started to feel tears trying to escape . Sashiru turned and saw me . I ran so she could not see the pain I was feeling escape into a puddle of my tears. As I turned the corner I ran into something well someone. I heard a loud thump "Ow" muttered under their breath. I looked down to see Skyler in a heap on the floor."I'm so sorry Skyler I didn't see you there , god I'm so sorry" I said helping her up," Wow I'm fine but you sure ain't" Skyler said placing her hands on my shoulders."I'm fine , just tired" I said moving her hands away from me," No your not , It was Sashiru wasn't it. I'm better then her so why don't you love me?!" Skyler screamed as she ran down the hallway with tears sliding down her cheeks." I can't love you that way because you're like my sister" I muttered as I continued walking down the hallway towards the main office.

As I entered the plain looking little office. I sat in one of the waiting chairs , I waited a few more minutes before a middle aged looking woman with strawberry blonde hair that flowed down to her hips and was tied up in a high pony tail called me up." Hello young one , what would you like?" The lady asked politely ," Um I would like to leave early" I said moving my hands to my pockets searching for a pen." Here you go dear , please sign here and your free to go" She said holding out a slim pink piece of paper with words Early Leave on the top in big black letters." Thank-You" I said taking the paper from her hands.I signed it and handed it back to her and said Good-bye. I started walking home when I noticed a guy around the same age as me holding a stick in his hand. I looked a little closer and all of a sudden he shifted into a panther. I shifted into my cat form and ran across to him , he growled and I stopped metre in front of him. He shifted back and so did I. That's when I noticed " It was the guy from earlier Shuko" I gasped.Then before I knew it a panda crawled out from behind the tree. The panda shifted into a beautiful young girl with straight light brown hair and brown eyes." Hello I'm Abeni , this is my cousin Shuko" The girl said holding out a hand for me to shake which I declined . She looked a bit taken back but she pulled he hand back and placed it back into her pocket." Well Abeni , tell your 'cousin' to stay away from my girl" I said turning away

" Wait! , I wanted to warn you , Sashiru is in trouble , the scientists will get her" Abeni said , turning to face her I gasped as a bubble appeared in front of us with Sashiru , and John?

Sashiru screamed out in agony and blood spilled down her arms as John cut into her , a few minutes went by Sashiru was unconcious on the ground John smiling at the site of her .Then the bubble disappeared." What the hell was that!" I screamed falling onto my knees with my head in my hands." It's the future , this is what will happen if Shuko doesn't get her to fall in love with him" Abeni said looking down at the ground. " No, This can't be" I said lifting my head to see Shuko's reaction." It is true , Abeni is never wrong when it comes to future sightings" Shuko said sharply at me. " Well I don't care, She is mine not anyone else!" I screamed , quickly jumping to my feet and running to collect my stuff from the other side of the road. Once I grabbed my things I started running as fast as I could and ran straight into the house. I turned the lights on to Sashiru asleep on the couch with the book I had bought her. I wish she could understand the position i'm now in , I ......... Have to be on my own this time. From the corner of my eye I noticed a black figure emerging from the darkness "Slayer" I thought as he walked into the light were I could now see him."Hello Kitty" He said coming closer to me, " Hello Slayer" I said backing up . " I'm here to take you away now" He said smirking and pulling a gun from his coat , " Why? Why do you want me?" I said backing into the wall , " Now don't fight little kitty , this won't hurt" Slayer said laughing devilishly. I looked at where Sashiru lay and she was wide eyed and now holding a vase , she signaled me to be quiet so that Slayer couldn't detect her presence . Sashiru held the vase above Slayers head and hit him with full force knocking him unconscious. We dragged Slayer's unconscious body into the basement and added extra locks to the windows and doors , Sashiru sat down on the lounge placing her head in her hands and started to cry." Shhhhh, It's ok , It's ok Sashiru , nothing is going to hurt us" I said rubbing her back trying to console her." I wouldn't say going to guys , because that ain't true now is it? " An unfamiliar voice said.I heard a scream as I fell into the darkness

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