Neko + Love Official Rewrite Now Live!

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Hi everyone. It has been such a long time since I've touched this book or even written to be honest at all, but recently have decided that I will finish rewriting the story as I do love the concept and would like to give it the justice it didn't get when I wrote this as a young teenager. 

The new rewrite is being uploaded as I go, there are a few things changed, but the overall story and characters are the same. 

I really hope that if anyone who enjoyed this book and still is active on this website, enjoys the new version and hopefully if this rewrite works out the way I'm hoping it will; I may continue to rewrite the series completely. 

As of this moment there is three stories of the main plot of Neko + Love that exist but are still to be completely written. Neko + Love - Is it Possible?, Neko + Love - In the Twilight, and Neko + Love - Clock Work. There is also one Prequel book about Sora called Jay which goes into more detail about Sora's journey before meeting Sashiru. 

So if all goes well hopefully I will be able to finally put together the series exactly the way I originally wanted. 

Anyways thank you to anyone who reads this and goes and gives it some love and support. I'm working really hard on making this the absolute best it can be. 

Alyss x

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