Chapter 45

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After measurements of that one hell of a big floor, I thumped on the floor and started my magic.

That's what I love about my job.

'It's lunch time. Do you want me to order something for you?', Lina asked in her robotic voice and I shook my head.

Working and munching together never proved handy for me.

Lina crashed beside me and ordered her lunch. In the meantime I told her to grab someone who could get print of floor's pictures.

Sticking beside me, she called someone and a small man transpired from the elevator who took my card to get all the photos printed.

'So Lina... tell me about yourself...', I tried to make some conversation and that made me work faster.

Within two hours, I was done with a suite and oh boy..
It looked royal as hell.

Royal as Musa.

I stifled my giggle at my own silly thought.
That man is unpredictable.
And very much single too..

I still can't get what Rumi did off of my mind.

I brushed her thought away and focused on Musa.
Even thinking about him made a shiver to cascade down my spine with urgency.

'It's enough for today I guess.', I sighed and Lina gave me a tired look.

I stood up and stealthily glanced at the elevator.

Why didn't he come today?

Pushing back a sting in my nose I packed my kit whereas Lina compiled the photos in a file.

I dashed towards the elevator with Lina tugging behind. I still anticipated for elevators to open on my way and reveal Musa.

But no.
He knew well how to stir a woman.

I pushed the button with an unknown anger and the doors pinged open revealing a very much empty travellator.

Stepping inside lina worked with the buttons and I stood in silence.

The doors opened to the lobby and Lina bid me farewell. I stepped out with a hope to see him smiling at me from far but he was nowhere.

What the hell?
Where is he?

At least we were under the same roof.
After sighing for the hundredth time I sashayed out of the revolving doors where cold breeze kissed me harshly.

Hailing a cab I opened its door and looked back at the entrance of hotel to have him standing there.
But no.
He was being a real douchbag this time.


I huffed and settled inside the cab.

The ride was smooth and I chose to keep my windows down. The breeze was harsh, and so was he.

Why didn't he come to meet me..?
Even though he asked me last night..

Busy.. may be.

Amidst my disturbed state, I arrived home.

Stepping inside Zaki's apartment I glanced at the watch. It was half past five.

I had an appointment with my brain doctor today.

Dashing into the kitchen, I heated the leftover Chinese and downed it like a famished wench.

At sharp 6:45 p.m. my phone rang.

'Yeah I'm coming.', I told Zaki and rushed out of his apartment not before locking it shut.

'Hurry up.', he shouted with an opened door of his car in the parking area and I flew inside his car.

'We're going to be late.', I said as we emerged on the road.

'Bet?', he challenged.

And before I could mutter anything I was pushed back in the seat. He drove at lightning speed. With all the hoo- haa, we made it.

'I won.', he chirped while walking towards the waiting area.

I snorted and knocked on the good doctor's door.

'On time Zasha..!!', he smiled as I entered in his room.

He gestured towards the couch and followed behind me to his designated chair.

'Don't you get tired?', I asked while adjusting on the couch.

'Of?', he asked still smiling.

Of smiling...

'Of umm seeing all the patients and telling them that they're going to be fine with a smile..', I huffed.

He paused for a while and a frown settled on his brow.

Whoa that's a first one.
I never saw that on his face.

'I don't get tired of smiling..', he said and looked intently at the pencil in his hand.

Why do I feel scared now?

'Where is that globe?', I realized at the look of empty table.

'It's safe don't worry..', he said.

Why is he not smiling anymore..?

'How is life?', he asked.


'How's Musa..?', he asked.

'Ohh you still remember him.. yeah he must be good too.', I said looking past him.

'Why? Didn't you meet him?', he asked with a normal expression now.

What had happened to him before...?

'Nothing it's just that.. I have a migraine..', he said smiling.

Who does that?
Announcing there migraines with a thousand mega watt smile on their face.

'Ohh umm did you take any medicine?', I asked and he nodded.

'You should rest.. we'll meet later.', I said and stood up.

'No! sit. We have got a lot to catch up on.', he said hurriedly.

He looked older than his age today.
Thinking of his age.. I asked the most stupid question.

'How old are you?'

His eyes widened at my question and he smiled.

'Why? do you want to marry me?', he asked looking playful and I blushed beetroot.

'Ohh my! no.. I just wanted to.. know..', i said still standing.

'I'm a happily married man.', he said and I laughed.

'Ohh wow.'

'And I just got blessed with a baby girl.', he told with a big grin.

'Ohh Masha Allah...', I settled back on his couch and we talked further.

'He said he loves me.', I told him after reminiscing Musa's whole story.

'Ofcourse he does.', he muttered.

'Like he said, you were definitely  a precursor in his divorce. He wouldn't have divorced his wife but your presence compelled him to do that.', he said pondering deeply on our matter.

'Or else?', I wanted to be sure.

'Or else you would have married someone else and he would be left   behind still hanging in state of ashes..', he said it with an obvious look.

'And you love him too.', he confessed my feelings and I looked at him in disbelief.

He nodded his head and smiled.

'Yes you do.', he emphasized.

'Yes I do.'

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