Chapter 28

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Musa. As beautiful and flawless on the outside as he was damaged and tormented on the inside. He was a bright scorching flame.

His past was violent, but he was making his present violent too.

After a cold shower he padded towards his walk in closet with a towel wrapped around his waist as only article of clothing.

Today was rough.

He let out a sigh as he remembered morning's events.

He didn't mean it.

And now he felt guilt.

For the most part, though Musa was a testament to leashed power. There was no need for him to shout when he could get people to quake in their shoes with just a look or a tersely spoken word.  

He didn't understand what he was trying to do. She was a free bird with her own life. He can't mold her according to his needs. He was really taking his wild imaginations too far.

He likes her the way she is.

Then why change her?

He must not have poured his anger over her.

Hell why was he even angry ?

His father invited her for a dinner and she accepted it. It wasn't her fault.

It was his father's fault. 

Why would he call her for a dinner when he had forbade him...?

Always trying to make my life hell..

Throwing a ripped jeans and a full sleeved t- shirt on his well featured self. He departed from his room and descended down while finger brushing his hair.

'Going somewhere?'

Another nail hammered its way in his thick skull.

'Work.', he spat while advancing towards the door not even bothering to spare his elderly father a glance.

Well he has been working all day.

what now?

Instead of asking this his father came to the point.

'Well she's coming tonight so you must stay here.', he said with a small chuckle trying to lighten his mood.

His steps halted and he turned to look at him.

He gulped loudly and stuck his lower lip between his teeth.

He was angry.

Mr. Asim knew it.

He always did that when he was angry.

From a very young age he had that habit.

Stucking his lower lip shaking his head saying no.

A flash wifted across Mr.Asim's eyes. A little version of Musa shaking his head with his lower lip stuck between his milky teeth. He was really cute when he was young.

And he was still shaking his head.

'What?', he asked.

'I said she'll not come.', he said sternly with his lower lip still stuck between his lips.

'Why?', he was bit taken aback by Musa's revelation.

Dinner was ready.

He had made special arrangements for it.

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