Chapter 5

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I started my exploration.

That spacious lounge had a kitchen at the farthest corner of it. On the other corner there was a small staircase. I climbed those five steps and saw a long alley with three doors. 

First door revealed a big king sized bed with another glass wall. There was a walk in closet too. I pushed through it and saw a huge wardrobe with locked doors. I didn't dare to open it. Must be Zaid's bedroom. Further there was a cream colored washroom.


I opened the next door in the alley. It was same but there was no glass wall instead had a huge terrace. Third one was the same too.

I saw my suitcases in the second room so I called it mine. I came out back into the lounge and saw a door. I opened it to an abandoned yet clean space with another elevator. There was another door in the front with door bell. I came out and saw that I was peeking through the same door as in front. In the end there was another terrace. I left the door opened and walked towards it. 

I dared to look down and it was too high. Thankfully I didn't experience that mini heart attack again. I walked back inside the air conditioned apartment. It was a pent house. And that too a beautiful one.

I showered and changed into baggy t shirt and yoga pants, recited my Salah and went down to order something. I turned on the tv and for a moment I kept looking at the remote.

What the hell!

It had too many functions. After a struggle of good ten minutes I found the channel changing buttons. In the mean time I ate my sandwich and drank the juice that I ordered. I stoodup to find my phone. I checked it but again no signals. I would have to ask Zaid for a new sim card when he comes. 

I checked the time and it was two in the noon.

Long day ahead.

I perched on that sofa again and watched TV for what seemed hours.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I must have slept. I looked up and saw Zaid entering the lounge. 

'How was your day?', he asked and perched on the bar stool in the kitchen. I sluggishly walked up and landed with a thud next to him.

'Good.', and yawned in the process.

'You look drunk.', he laughed at his own joke.

'I don't know why I 'm feeling so sleepy.', I said and bumped my head down on the counter. He giggled again. I heard him crumbling up some paper thing and turned my head in his direction with my head still down.

It was a white small box. And my eyes drooped again.

'Hey.', he nudged me and I sat straight.

He opened the box and a smart phone came into view. It was white too. He opened it from the back and slipped the sim card in the slot. Packed it again and handed it to me. I looked at him dumbfounded.

'What's that?'

'Seriously Zash you're really drunk. That's your phone!', he told me the biggest secret of the world and all I said was 'Ohhh'.

He frowned at me and stood up.

'I'm hungry.', I said while rubbing my face.

'Yeah order something I'll just grab the shower.', he said and climbed up the stairs.


He was gone.

I looked down at the phone in my hand. I inspected it and it had a bitten apple logo at the back. I frowned at it and wondered where I've seen it. I struggled but my brain was not working. 

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