Chapter 8

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I slipped into a lemonade tunic with white jeans and white scarf with matching killer heels. I stared at my reflection while smoothing a line of gloss on my full lips.


I reached there office in time and found Inaya on my way. She hugged the life out of me and asked me to follow her petite frame. She installed me on the sofa and called her boss.

He came out of the door that I knew would be his office's one.

'Call Zaid and ask him to come to the site.', he barked his order at her and she obliged.

I stood up to greet him.

'Assalamoalaikum.', with a small smile.

He greeted back with the same expression and asked me to follow.

He pressed the elevator buttons with agony and it came in a while.

He muttered something under his breath that I couldn't comprehend and didn't even dare to ask him. He entered the elevator and looked at me. With him. Alone.

Something flashed in my peripheral vision. 

But no. He is not Dawar. 

But he is a man. I heard my subconscious standing behind him smirking at me.

'Are you going to stand there all day Miss?', he asked looking practically fierce.

I stepped inside and stood behind him. He pushed the button and it felt like we were descending. 

Yeah I can tell. 

When my heart goes up the elevator moves down.
And when my stomach goes down heavily then it means we are heading up.

Genius. I know.

I gaped at his back. It was really broad. I checked mine in the side ways mirror and felt like it belonged to some baby as compared to him.

I muffled my erupting laughter at my stupid thought and looked down at my feet. Involuntarily, my eyes flew to his and they were again big. This time in the process of control my laugh I heaved heavily and he glared back at me as if he was my mother trying to shut me with those eyes in front of guests.


What is wrong with me?
Why am I thinking such strange things.


The door slid open with soft ping. We emerged out of the elevators to a brooding Zaid. He threw daggers at me and I didn't know what to say. There was that elderly figure too who smiled politely at me and I oh so generously returned.

Guess someone is sane here.

After roaming around for good one hour I understood the perimeters.

'You see Ms.Zasha we need some life here.', that elder man said.

'Yeah I can see.'

'These are all suites so we want you to design suites again but with some new style.', Musa said with his hands in his pockets. I hate this gesture. It makes men look confused. I don't know. Its my thought.

I hummed in response and looked up Zaid who hasn't muttered anything up till now. I rolled my eyes inwardly at him. Seriously I can't handle his mood swings.

'No we don't need swings here.', Musa said narrowing his eyes at me.

'Sorry.', I asked him to be more specific.

'You said something like swings, so we don't need swings here.'







I so much wanted this floor to rip open and gulp me down. I looked up at Zaid, he had the same expression but now with the addition of muscle ticking in his jaw.

' Yeah I know, I was just-- anything else?', I didn't know what to say.

'Yeah we are done here. When will you hand us the designs.', that elderly figure asked softly. at least he was not on fire.

'I would have to come here, you know for the sketches and measurements, but I can assure you that you'll get your designs all done in these 2 weeks.', I smiled brightly up at him coz only he knew how to talk.

'That's impressive, I wanted to hire someone young full of energy like you. You know young people have more potential than older ones like us.', he gestured to himself.

'Ohh no I mean you're not that old.', I smiled and he laughed lightly.

'Good luck with your work kid.', he said beaming down at me.

I like him. 

He talks like our father.

'I'm like your father.', he acknowledged it and again the cycle revolved. 

Floor. Rip. Open. Gulp. Me.Down.

I looked at Zaid and he was stilling boring nails in me. I looked up to my other side and Musa had that same world famous grumpy expression with scrunched brows.

What is wrong with these men?

We entered the elevator together. Me and Zaid at the back whilst Musa and that father figure at the front.

I looked up at Zaid and his orbs were still on fire.

Boy! I could melt.

We reached our floor and I was the first one to depart. I waved back at the old man that I got to knew was Mr. Zaffar. I didn't look at those ugly faces of Musa and Zaid as I knew they must be throwing daggers at me.

I turned and entered the code.

I plunked on the sofa and rummaged out my sketch book.

Time to brush up.

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