Chapter 4

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Time slipped like sand from my hands. Her memories still blooms in me. She was the finest possession I had in this world and now she's gone.

Today, a year ago she left me.

I looked down at my packed suit cases. Tomorrow I'll be leaving for Kuwait. I put my passport and stuff in the handbag and hit the bed on my face. My phone chimed and I answered it without looking at the caller id.

'Hey, done with your packing?'



'What's the timing again, I forgot?'

'11 in the morning.'

'You sound low. All okay?', he had been shouting all this time.

'You can turn your tv's volume down, stop barking in my ear.', I laid on my back and looked at the ceiling.

'Hey--- yeah-- come onnn.', he was talking with someone. Curiosity jumped inside me and I sat straight in my bed.

'Yeah-- shut up,' he was laughing now.


'What? what did you say?', I shrieked at the last thing.

'Nothing.', he said calmly.

'Whos there?', I asked.


'Seriously? You can't call a guy bitch? Stop kidding with me?'

'Hey hey calm down your horses Zash, and yes I've got no girl in here.'

'You better not or else I'm coming tomorrow to inspect my boy.'

'Ohh please, talking of boy, how is Zaki.'

'He's good, just a bit down about my departure.'

'Yeah he'll get used to it.'

'Yeah umm I better call it night I can barely keep my eyes open.', with that I yawned to completely make him understand my state.

'Yeah sure, bye love you.' he said and cut the line.

'Allah Hafiz', I whispered to the room and laid back again.

I'm going to miss Pakistan.


'This is your passport and ticket don't forget to show them while boarding or else they'll push you off the aeroplane in the middle of nowhere.', Zaki was being cheeky again.

'Shut up I know.', I snatched it from him and waited at the airport for announcement.

'You'll be late for your work.', I said looking at my watch.

'No it's okay.'

'No you should go, I'll be fine here.'

'I can't leave you Zash.', he sounded emotional. I looked up at his face and his eyes were glistening. He looked away and I laid my head on his arm. 

'I love you Zaki, don't take me wrong.'

'I just don't like it.'

'I'll call you when I reach there promise.'

'You better or I'll come there to do it my way.', he looked so cute sometimes. I laughed lighting up his mode and talked about stuff.

A static voice announced my flight and I stood up to take my leave. We hugged for a good ten minutes. He wasn't sure about me living in Kuwait. I could understand his feelings because I'm not Zaid. Zaki dreaded that just like Zaid I wouldn't come back. 

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