Chapter 13

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I hailed the cab back to the hotel. The meeting was successful. They liked my designs and approved them without any second thoughts. I'm quiet happy about the fact that people around this state are loving my work.

The ride back to the hotel was peaceful.

At least, I didn't get to see those brooding faces for an hour.

I slid down the window and looked at the blue sky. Kuwait was getting a bit colder now. As luck would have to do, I draped a shawl on my shoulders while departing the pent house.

On my ride, I decided to do some shopping.
Coz, hello!!
I don't have any clothes for this cold season guys.

I hopped off the cab and dashed across the revolving doors of mall.
After an hour or so my legs screamed at their devastated state due to those heels. 

Yeah! What can I do now I have to wear them to look professional.

I sashayed out and was heading upstairs when I saw someone familiar. His back was to me and that back umm

Yeah I'm quiet sure I've seen that back.


He turned at the precise moment flashing his well crafted face to the world.


What is he doing here?

Must be shopping. Duh!

I really didn't want him to see me coz I umm he really gets blunt and I feel embarrassed. 
Above all, I make one hell of a fool of my small self so I just steered cleared of him.

But I what I didn't miss was a red headed chick laughing like a maniac at whatever he must've said.

I entered the food court and ordered a big burger.


I'm hungry people, don't give me that look.

I was half way down to my burger now and already felt full. But guess what, that burger loved me way too much. I was slurping at my coke when I felt a bit peculiar. I gazed up from my burger and saw Musa looking at me from far with a tilted head.

Umm what should I do?



I guess smile would do but he really doesn't like me so umm--

What the hell!!

Why am I over thinking this situation?

Just smile

I opted to smile and his eyes narrowed into slits as if judging the intensity of my smile.

What the ---

You can smile too.

Never mind coz I know who we are talking about.


He doesn't smile anymore.

Well I haven't seen it yet so that's my equation people.

I finished my happy burger, sucked my drink till the last drop and stood up.


I peeked from my lashes and he was looking at me still with his signature looks. The chick was flicking her hair trying to get his attention. I took my shopping bags and hurried down the escalators.

I was revolving out of the doors when I heard him.

'You're here.'

'Ohh you're saying as if you were not gawking at me for past thirty minutes.', I let the sarcasm take full lead and didn't regret it when guilt flashed across his oh so wow features.

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