Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Harry's P.O.V

*About Five Months Later*

I sit still as an assistant adjusts the tie around my neck. Today, June thirtieth, three days after my little princess became six months old, I'm marrying the love of my life. If you had told me this a few years ago I wouldn't have believed you. Hell, I probably would have laughed in your face. But here I am, the sun is shining, my hair looks normal, and I'm not a twig anymore. Andrea always helped me work out at the gym while my mom or Gemma would watch Darcy. Of course, Darcy is doing great. I'd never expected to have such a perfect daughter. She can walk a bit with help and she tries to speak all the time. I can't speak for Andrea, but I can see how she feels. She's always happy nowadays. It's like now that Darcy and I are both in her life for good a switch flipped and she always smiles. As her soon to be husband I must admit, it's a pretty amazing thing to see.

"Harry you're all set. Are you ready to get married?" Louis, my best man, smiles at me, he already knows the answer. "I've been ready since the day we met." We laugh knowing it's true and I lead them out the door. Everything is set up outside. I straighten my tie once more as another assistant gives me a high five. My haircut makes me look far younger than I am but it doesn't bother me and I know Andrea loves it this way. Nerves build up slightly in my stomach as I make my way in front of the crowd. The weather is perfect, sunny but not too hot.

"Louis," I whisper as he arrives next to me. Ray stands on the opposite side as Andrea's maid of honor. "What mate?"

"What if she isn't there?" Louis only laughs and faces forward once again. I watch as the procession walks down the makeshift aisle slowly but surely. Darcy walks with the assistance of Liam causing me to smile brightly. As my eyes land on the last pair to walk up to me my heart stops. My beautiful, perfect bride to be with my mother by her side. She's never looked so beautiful or happy. The love of my life.

Andrea's P.O.V

Today's the day. My perfect little daughter Darcy sits on my lap as Anne finishes me hair. Once the bun in finished I'm helped into my dress and accessories. Ray, Perrie, Eleanor, Gemma, and even Darcy are all dresses in their light mint colored dresses. My heart flutters at the sight of my beautiful baby all dressed up.

"You ready for this," Anne smiles beside me as the procession begins. "I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life." Tears well up in my eyes at the thought but I quickly blink them away. Today I'm getting married to the love of my life.

"What if he isn't up there Anne," I stutter as my nerves get to me but Anne continues smiling. "My boy hasn't shut up about this day since he was four years old. He'll be there." I giggle at the thought and walk forward subconsciously. But when my eyes meet him my world stops. I can no longer control the happy tears blurring my sight, or the pounding of my heart I my chest. People always talk about those profound moments when you meet eyes with the love of your life, and I can tell you that it is true. All I see is Harry. The bright smile on his face. The tears appearing in his perfectly green eyes. And the way he nervously twiddles his thumbs as I walk forward.

Today's the day I've been unknowingly waiting for my entire life. The day I become known as Mrs. Styles.

**a/n short chapters, like the next two but quick updates. The day has finally come yay!! Don't be a ghost reader, comment and vote!!

Much love xx


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