Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Andrea's P.O.V

The first hour was filled with Gemma and I sitting alone on the bed. She tried to cut the tension by turning on Harry's television but it didn't help. I continued to chew my nails down to the nub in anxiety.

The second hour Anne came home. She said there was no trace of Harry outside and didn't know what we were talking about.

The third hour, Gemma had to leave to meet with her boyfriend. None of us have really registered what's going on yet. Gemma was reluctant to leave but I told her she should get out of the house.

The fourth hour I could hear Anne crying downstairs. I sat in Harry and I's suddenly cold bed. The television was on as I mindlessly stared off, waiting for my love to return to me.

The fifth hour I tapped my fingers on my knees endlessly. My thoughts ran wild and I registered nothing but the gnawing feeling in my heart.

The sixth hour Anne came up and asked me to eat something. I declined every offer blankly. She looked so much like Harry, I couldn't even look at her for more than a second. Anne burst into tears once she closed the door but I made no move to comfort her.

The seventh hour I passed out. I mindlessly fell back onto the cold bed.

I slept through the eighth, nine, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth hour.

When I woke up during the thirteenth hour Gemma was next to me crying. She said she was happy I was awake, that I wouldn't wake for her and she was scared.

I broke during the fourteenth hour. There has been no news for Harry. We've all tried reaching him but his phone is off. I cried and screamed out for Harry but I got no response. No comfort, as the two girls cried quietly downstairs I'm sure. I threw the water glass at the wall in anger and now they won't come in. The glass is everywhere.


"Okay your turn." Harry and I are playing another round of twenty questions. It's gotten to that time of night where people ask very deep questions and I love these conversations I can have with him. Neither of us could sleep and this was the only thing we could think of.

"What's the strangest thing you've ever harmed yourself with Andrea?" Whoa. I try to think back to all the things I've ever used, finally coming up with my answer. "I broke my window once and used a piece of the glass. What about you," I was afraid of the answer but the sight of his beautiful green eyes held my gaze, instantly calming me.

"Umm one time when I had run away I was with the lads and some crappy friends. The other friends were smoking some pot so while they weren't watching I took a piece of the blunt paper and went to the bathroom. I made like twenty paper cuts on both hands. Hurt like a bitch."

"You are a strange man Styles." "Ah, but you love me," he points at my face smiling widely.

"I do. Very much."

*End of Flashback*

The fifteenth hour was also filled with screaming. I wanted my Harry back, he had left without a goodbye. I don't even know who was down there at the door.

Gemma tried to talk to me during the sixteenth hour, and Anne the seventeenth hour. They both came during the eighteenth hour, trying to talk to me. I only cried.

I was carried down to the living room in the nineteenth hour and the girls went to sleep the twentieth hour, trusting me to watch the door. I watched the door silently crying for hours. All I could do was relive the wonderful moments we had.

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