Chapter 4

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Erik set a plate of steak in front of Christine.

"When I arrived here, I had no idea how to cook. But then, I found a few recipe books scattered throughout this kitchen. I learned from them, and eventually became my own chef. I've never cooked for anyone else before... I hope you like it."

Christine tasted the steak.

"It's delicious! Thank you so much for your hospitality, Erik."

"You're welcome."

Erik sat down across from Christine, and the two ate in silence. That is, until Christine spoke again.

"Erik, your mask looks a bit different..."

"This, Christine, is a special mask made out of softer material. I use it when I eat, because the other mask hurts my face when I chew..."

"Ah, I see now."

There was silence once again.

"I shall be going to sleep now." Said Erik when they were both finished with their meals.

"Okay... I suppose I should rest as well. Goodnight, Erik." Replied Christine as she walked up the main staircase.

"Goodnight, Christine." Said Erik as he followed her.

They went their separate ways, and that was that.

The next morning, Erik was in for a surprise. He awoke to a knocking on his door. He stretched, yawned, and then responded to the pounding while applying his wig and mask.

"Christine? What do you want?" He asked.

"I made you breakfast!" She squealed happily.

"...Come in."

Christine pushed the door open with her back, as she was carrying a wooden tray with a cup of tea and a few slices of toast on a plate.

"Here you go." Said Christine, smiling.

"T-thank you. No one has ever made me breakfast before." Said Erik.

"It was no trouble, really. I used to make breakfast for Raoul every morning, but he would turn around and beat me after he ate it..." Replied Christine.

She looked at Erik, who had the tray in his lap. He already had his "eating" mask on, which proved that he was indeed hungry.

"Poor girl..." Thought Erik.

"But I still hate her, even after all this. She broke my heart, and hasn't even apologized! We are just acquaintances. That is all we will ever be. Even though she shows extreme kindness to me, I'm sure it means nothing. She probably does that to everyone she meets. Nothing special. It's just in her personality."

Erik couldn't help but convince himself that no one loved him.

"That... Isn't good to hear. At least you're safe from him now... Right?" Erik asked aloud.

"Yes. Thank you for allowing me to stay with you." Responded Christine.

"You are welcome. Thank you for preparing breakfast for me." Replied Erik.

Christine looked down at him. He had toast crumbs all over his mouth. She giggled at the sight.

"What?! What's so funny?!" Demanded Erik.

His temper shot up again. He did not like being a laughing stock.

"Nothing, really... You just have crumbs all over your mouth. I suppose that means Monsieur Erik is enjoying his breakfast...?" Inquired Christine, a bit startled at his sudden outburst.

"Yes, thank you."

Christine took the tray when Erik was finished, and soon, Erik was once again off to work.

"I'll be back at sunset. You may explore the castle or clean, but DO NOT enter my room. Is that clear?" Asked Erik.

"Yes, Monsieur Erik..." Replied Christine.

"There is no need to call me 'Monsieur'. Just 'Erik' will be fine."

"Alright. Goodbye..."


The metal door closed. Christine decided to explore the castle. She saw the dining room, with its elegant table, the hallway, with its many doors, and 2 thrones near the entrance of the castle.

"Wow... Erik must be really lonely..." She thought.

She walked back up the stairs and went to the hallway once again. Erik never told her to stay away from the rest of the doors, and so she didn't. She went through each door, and most of them were bedrooms. She became bored, so she went downstairs to the bookcase near the tea table to try and find something to read. She saw some kind of darkness behind the bookcase. The edge of a giant hole was barely visible from where Christine stood.

She pushed the bookcase aside. It surprisingly wasn't as heavy as she thought. Behind the bookcase was a dark passageway that led to... What?

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