Slow healing

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It was days at first, the whole process of rehabilitation for Newtralizer.

Those days became weeks and every so often when some of us came to visit, we saw LH chatting with Newtralizer. Either talking, or bringing him food. The were a few times I saw them looking each other dead in the eyes... It was like they were staring each other down....

Yet, at the same time, it somehow wasn't threatening. No one leapt at anyone else... They seemed so focused on each other.

'Looks like LH seems to be helping Newtralizer... '

I fold my arms, watching, one day that I came by myself. I figured I'd stop by alone for once, since everyone might be busy and I can come by myself. Its not like I'm not allowed...

I stand behind the glass, watching quietly. I could see their mouths moving, well, LeatherHead's.

I hope all is going well.... If Newtralizer could listen and change... that'd be so great...

We'd have another friend, ally and no one would end up doing something we'd all regret.

I moved a little closer, almost pressing my nose against the glass.

I was so close, I could see my breath as I started in suspense

This reminded me of my talk with Raph before... Was it bad that I mentioned the memories?

I know how he feels, but I had this moment of insecurity. Those feelings you get when you like someone, but you're not the only one, or there's others who you might compete with...

and ...after everything that happened, remembering earlier, brought some feelings and questions.

I blinked, a flash of memories racing back to me, of when me and Raph confessed...

I found myself smiling at the thoughts, then heard the door opening and saw LH coming out.

He seemed to stop and didn't notice me, until after closing the door.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to come by and see how things were going."

I explain, then glanced at the glass, before back at him.

"How is it going?"

LH lowers his gaze, then looks at the glass.

"He's fallen silent, except for the occasional growls and snorts, but aside from that, he hasn't snapped at anyone. I came back after a break and he hasn't tried to escape. Who knows who passed by while I was gone. He had plenty of chances to break out."

"Maybe he doesn't feel like it anymore, since you come to him about everyday and chat."

I say, picturing them sitting and chatting.

"It's almost like... you're like friends...sitting and chatting.."

I say in thought.

"Well, he has become slightly less resistant, but we can't rush him. He's still, believe it or not, at a tender spot right now. Atleast he seems less destructive."

LH states, then looked at Y/N again.

"Perhaps we should give him a break for now."

I nodded quietly and walked out with LH.

Newtralizer said nothing, watching them leave. His eyes scanned the room he was in, then he felt his wounds, grimacing lightly.

How much longer did he have to stay in here??

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now