Stay, or go?

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Hanging out with Raph was better than great and I hadn't forgotten about my thoughts about his reaction to if he saw my normal look.

First off, with April's help, I managed to get some clothes to wear, so I wouldn't always be in a suit.

Then I tried focusing to see if I could look like myself.

This way, if I can be back to normal, incase I need extra clothes, since I couldn't bring any, these would help. So I chose to wear a pink and peach coloured turtle sweater, because it looked cute and comfy.

I felt different, for a few minutes and when I looked in the mirror....

I was back to how I was before... 

"Now to let Raph and everyone else know..."

I mumble, then go back to looking like Mona, with one exception...

I still had my hair... I decided to leave it, liking it. Another new addition that made me different, this time more noticeable.

I make my way to the lair, preparing how to tell them.

"Hey y/n- whoa!!"

Donnie exclaims, seeing me and double taking.

"You've got hair!"

He said, pointing, then stuttered.


Mikey and Raph came in from the kitchen, hearing Donnie and stared, eyes big  like saucers.

"I...was testing my look, to see if I could...look like before...."

I say, fidgetting with my thumbs.

"I can... This is more a mix of the two..."

I watched as everyone came over, looking on.

"You can look human? Fully human?"

Leo asks.

I nodded and looked at Raph. 

He still looked surprised, but also...interested.

"Can...can we see?"

Mikey asks, almost pleadingly.


I say, then... I think about it hard enough and heard some gasps of surprise, before opening my eyes, not knowing I had them closed.


All four turtles said in unison.

"You look great!"

I hear from Mikey and see the others nod in unison.

"Thanks guys..."

I say, feeling a bit better.

"You don't mind, Raph?"

I went straight to the point...I wanted to know.

"Ofcourse not! You look pretty however you look. I mean it.."

Raph walked over, smiling at me.

"Thanks... ketchup boy."

I was certain his whole face couldn't get any redder.

Mikey laughs and nudges Raph's shoulder.

"Ketchup boy..."

He yelps when Raph glares at him.

"Only she can call me that."

I smile widely, looking at him.


Donnie interrupts.

"If you can control how you look... and you're here because you want to be...then that means...if you wanted to, you could go back home.."

Everyone looks at Donnie, then I feel all eyes on me.

Would I want to go home after this though?

I don't want to leave my friends, Raph...

It took me a long time, until I got an answer.

"Maybe I can, but I'll be back.. if I ever do."

I tell them, smiling and then hug Raph, who hugged back with a big grin.

I looked at him, then rubbed noses with him, purring and thinking about changing back or staying like this.

It felt like it was only us, as we smiled, gazing at each other, before leaning in.

It would be a hard choice to go, but knowing that there's more than one way to get back, like all the ideas Donnie and Bishop had, it didn't feel as bad now...

My favourite turtle returns my feelings and in his eyes, I'm his new Mona Lisa, or nickname / y/n Risa.

In mine... he's my Raphael...

(Well? Would you stay, or go? If you left, would you come back? 

What did you think of these chapters? I might continue a few more, if you like.)

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now