Let the match begin

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"Thought you'd never ask."

Raph says, a smirk on his lips.

I smiled and walked into the dojo, then turned to face him, hands and feet in position.

What techniques should I use? Ninja? Or Salamandrian, or Triceraton?

"Ready apple boy?"

I asked him and saw him look surprised, maybe embarrassed by my comment, before shaking it off.

"Let's do this!"

He took out his sai.

I blinked, jumping back in time, making him miss as a result and slash the air.

In the background, Leo, Donnie and Mikey were watching the duo in mid fight. Sometimes Raph had the lead and looked like he was winning, sometimes Y/n did. Once, she jumped on top of his head, then moved her feet on his shoulders, hands on his head.

Raph was trying to throw her off, putting his hands to her sides, but then she clung on, her claws gripping into his skin, making him grunt, then hiss in pain.

"Wouldn't want to be in his shoes."

Mikey comments, picking up Pep before she could toddle in.

I angrily flash my tail about, staying on his shoulders, before pushing my upper body strength, to make myself lean forward, carrying Raph with me and then, somehow in mid air, we somersaulted and he was on his shell, while I was now having him in a headlock, my legs around his neck.


All three brothers said simultaneously, watching as Raph wriggled and struggled to free himself.

"She's gotten better at her fighting... I'm impressed."

Leo comments, nodding slightly.

Raph tried to shrink into his shell, which helped him escape her hold.

I jumped up, then stared at his shell, cautiously.

Any minute he could pop out. What is he up to?

I got on fours, ready to jump away incase. I circled his shell, sniffing it, feeling a stronger better sense of his presence, probably because of the canine senses being keener.

I whipped my tail in the air, bumping his shell with my nose.

Raph suddenly lunged out, propelling at me and soon I was pinned down.

I yelped, then growled and struggled underneath him.

Raph held her down, which was easy with his strength.

He was a bit surprised he got her, but also found himself liking her struggle, teeth baring and growls. Something made him want to push her further, to see what else she would do.

I used my strength in my love body, to push up my knees, kneeing him in his gut, then lifting him up and using my energy to throw us up both up off of the ground, except Raph soon after being thrown, was shell smacked on the floor again.

I jumped on top, frog position and we struggled against each other.

I stood on fours and began to roll him over, onto his plastron, like walking or running on a barrel, so I was standing on his shell. I moved back, holding his arms back, knee on his shell.

I tightened my grip on his wrists, feeling him pulling to get away.

"Ugh! You're good..."

Raph grunts, half sounding like he almost didn't want to admit it.

Doing it, my style ( TMNT story, Raph x reader/ oc mix)Where stories live. Discover now