Chapter 5 (M)

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Jennie Kim.

"I want divorce"


"I have no reason to continue our marriage again, I mean our agreement" She said calmly while pouring a milk into the glass on the table

"Lisa. Give me some more time. I'll talk to Appa about.."

"I'm done with him" She cut me off

"How do I explain it to him if we are divorce"

"You know what? That project was the only reason why I kept pleased him including marrying you, she promised me to let go of the company after I got married but he make promises for the pleasure of breaking them. I really don't give a fuck anymore"

"Why you never told me about the project? You should have told me about it Lisa" I protested

"I want to tell you. But maybe I'm late"

"I'll solve this mess, I promise"

''Jennie?! Sooner or later we will divorce"

"You are right" I said hopelessly

"I work hard on this Nini, I just want to fulfill my mother last wish. She wanted the Village to stay the same and I tried to defend it. I tried to create a function in the Village again so it could generate income for the company and make it as a hospital branch without changed the architecture. Healing Village was a small Village my mom wanted to made for a patient to live freely, to enjoy the rest of their live, that's why she named it Healing because she spent the rest of her life there to heal Leukemia she has. If this project completed as I planned it, reformed it into a hospital, I want to bring Ella to get a treatment and heal the cancer she has there as well" She said sadly as got up and standing there for a while and sighed heavily

"But you....and my dad has ruin everything I planned, I'm sorry I don't think I can do this with you again, so let's divorce" She said without looking at me then walked away

In a split of seconds after she left the house, I felt the weight of the house pressing against my chest, so heavy, feel like the air was being sucked out of my lungs and my heart was aching so badly. What I have done and what's feeling this? All I could feel was the pain, the pain that makes my heart weep, why this is happening? My heart is weeping so much that I can't even got up from my seat, my body felt so weak.

-At Hospital-

"Unnie, are you okay?" Ella asked breaking my thoughts

"Ermm. Yes Ella, I'm okay, you woke up?"

"I woke up 10 minutes ago, but you didn't realized. What you were thinking about unnie?" She curiously ask

"Nothing, just a few things"

"Is that about Limario Oppa? She hasn't come to see me lately?"

"She was busy, a lot of work she has to take care of. She will come to see you"

"Unnie, I'm scared~" She said softly

"Ella, don't worry, you'll be fine" I said as caressing the back of her hands

"Unnie, I have one things I want to do in my life if God give me a chance" She sadly said

"Let's do it Ella, you can do whatever you want, tell me what is it?"

"I want to protect you unnie, at least once. But what scares me the most now is the thought that I won't be able to do it, I'm afraid that I won't make it and I'll leave you" She sadly said and I felt my heart shattered into millions of pieces seeing the tears that slowly falling from her eyes

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now