Chapter 22

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Jennie Kim.

I was sitting on the bed while checking on my phone looked at Ella pictures. God. I miss her so much. It's really hurt to think about the person we love with all your heart and then one day, we have be forced to live in a world without them. But I have to learn slowly to not thinking about Ella too much, I need to get back with life and keep myself busy. I should go to office again and try to get out of it. I can't be stressed just like Lisa said it would effected to my baby.

I was stayed the whole day at home exactly do nothing other than eat and sleep. It's already afternoon when I was about to drag myself to the bathroom, I heard someone lightly knocked the door. I opened the door and it was the maid.

"Mrs. Kim. This is for you from Young Master. She ordered you to get dressed and wear this dress. Mr. Cha has been waiting for you downstairs, do you need any help or anything?" She said politely as handed me a bag

"No. I will get ready." I replied in confusion

I got dressed to these pretty pieces from luxury brand Chanel, the pink casual dress with matching pounch. I like the dress so much, it was simple yet so beautiful

I don't know what was my wife would do this time, I wasn't exactly sure what happened to her or what was on her mind, she acted even more cheesier than before, but there's one thing I knew that I fell in love with the most unexpected person in the...

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I don't know what was my wife would do this time, I wasn't exactly sure what happened to her or what was on her mind, she acted even more cheesier than before, but there's one thing I knew that I fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Lalisa Manoban. I love every little thing about her. Her sexy smile and lips, the sound of her voice, the magic in her eyes, I love the simple touch and warmth she gave me. I love everything about her, it made me fall, pretty damn hard.

I finished dressing and quickly went downstairs, walked out of the mansion towards the car where Mr. Cha was parked and wait for me.

"Mr. Cha. Where are we going?" I asked confusedly but he just smiled as opened the car door for me

"We will go to the place Mrs. Manoban told me. She is already waiting for you there Mrs. Kim" He answered after entering the car and ready to drive

After an half hours riding in silence and confusion, not knowing where this car would bring me. The car stopped in front of huge and luxury building near Gagnam and Mr. Cha formally opening the car door for me. I stepped out of the car and walked into the building and get into the elevator as soon as possible without seeing Lisa presence only Mr. Cha guided me to the private place where Lisa told him. He opened the door slowly, I can see there beautiful terrace which was decorated with all white colour and bouquet. I wasn't sure where is this, I was so confused and happy at the same. Is this for real? Can you guess what was this Manoban doing this time?

Lalisa Manoban.

I had been planning to take Jennie out on a date tonight and everything is ready. Everything has been arranged beautifully with white little table where some red petals had been sprinkled, on the same table there is a white bouquet, some other faint tea light candles, and beautiful view over the city, this is perfect scenery for romantic dinner and I hope Jennie like it.

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora