Chapter 4

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Lalisa Manoban.

It has been a few days since I came back from England. Jennie was so busy everyday going to the hospital to accompany her sister after she done working. We didn't communicate much, we only see each other in the morning. I was busy signing the paperworks at my room, I have to deal with them every single day. I was concerned read the last paperwork then the door opened and I saw Jennie with a slightly scared face walked in approaching me

"Lisa, we have an emergency board meeting in 5 minutes" She says as looked at me with a worried face

"Is he here?" I asked as raised my brow

"Yes the Chairman is here and we need to go there now" She said nervously

"Why are you look so nervous Jennie?" I asked curiously

"Mmmm.. I-m just worried of something" She says in a low tone

"Come here" I said and she immediately walked over me. I pulled her by the waist making her sat on my lap and looked at her questioningly

"Is there something happens to Ella?" I asked worriedly

"No, Ella is fine" She replied simply

"So what was that, my wife worrying about?" I asked again as caressed her bare thighs, she was wearing a short skirt. Her thigh look sexy that make it can't be ignored

"Mmp.. About the meeting. Appa wanted to discuss about the project that you're workin on" She said in a slightly trembling voice

"Oh!! I have a bad feeling my dad will ruin my mood today, let's go there now" I exclaimed then we got up immediately headed to the meeting room with Jennie followed me from my back

-Meeting Room-

I sat in the middle of a long conference table as a CEO and my father sat right in front of me as the Chairman. Jennie sat next to me as my secretary. My father isn't active anymore in our company. He holds the highest position in this company, even though I run this company but all the decisions must be agreed by him first. I really hate when he always interfere in every decision I make and project I working on, we always ended up arguing and fight. He never trust me to handle this company alone so he told me to get a wife and promised me that he will let go of the company to me after I got married. When I said I would marry Jennie he was so happy, because he knows that Jennie was intelligent enough for support me to run this company. He controls me like a robot and Jennie is the remote. He know everything I working on through her. I can't blame Jennie for that, she working with us despite of being my wife and my father daughter in law.

"This meeting will discuss about getting approval from all the executives for an extension of MNB group company and the function of change of Healing Village project and have a final vote with all the other directors" The director announced

"Wait.." I said quickly interrupted

"Yes Mrs. Lalisa Manoban?"

"What do mean the function of Healing Village project will be changed? This project supposed to proceed this year and our company has spent a lot of money on this, who proposed this?" I asked confusedly

"You did, you submitted it on the documents" The directors said that getting my nerves

"Me? What did you say?" I questioned confusedly making all the people in the room got confused as well

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin