Chapter 19

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Jennie Kim.

Pregnancy is one of the most life changing times a woman can go through, it's effect on your life and your partner and this is all really new for me and Lisa. Lisa might not understand my insatiable craving for ice cream at 2 am, but she manages it well and always be ready to run to the fridge or store for me with smile on her face. Having a baby on the way is a big deal and it's totally normal to have feelings of overjoyed but sometimes we get through a hard time as well. Sometimes we fight, arguing and ignoring each other, mostly I'm the one who started it, I was so sensitive day by day. Lisa bought pregnancy books to learn how to handle my mood swing but she still the type of clumsy woman, annoying and childish, so sometimes things just doesn't work out on her. She might seems heartless, tough, and careless but she always tearing up at the sight of her baby everytime we go to the doctor to do ultrasound, she was difficult to read since most of her true feelings remain unspoken. Actually I loved being pregnant, pains, scares, moods and all. I had never felt more beautiful than when my body was growing a little version of me and Lisa. It wasn't easy at first, to embrace my changing body, I have gain weight in my 10 weeks of pregnancy.

"I love the way your cheeks getting so chubby everyday, they were looks like Shinchan cheeks. So kyiuuttt~~" Lisa said while pinching both of my cheeks playfully

"Yaaa~~ stop it..." I exclaimed as slapped her hand away

"Hehe. Good morning my wife. Good morning too my baby..." She happily says while planting a kisses on my face down to my belly

"Morning too pervert.." I jokingly say

"Yahhh Jennie Kim, don't called me like that in front of my baby!!" She said with her annoying face and pointed at me like a kindergarten kid who ready to fight with her friend

"Don't act like you care about your image. You always tried to touch me everynight and never get tired but always fails, our baby knew that you are pervert" I laughed as rolling my eyes childishly

"Son of bitc..."

"Manoban!!! Don't you dare to swear!!" I cut her off as glaring at her

"Uhh.. Sorry..." She pouted fakely

"Get up and get ready. I'll make a breakfast" I was about to get up but Lisa pulled me and wrapped her hands around my body really tight

"Manoban let go of me" I said with serious tone


"I said let go of me"

"I said No!!"

"This kid!! Rrrrrr" I groaned in frustration

"Mommy Jen...." She called me with aegyoo

"Whaattt???" I says raised my eyebrow in surprise. What was that I just heard? She called me mommy and with that aegyo. God! My heart was pounding hearing those aegyo.

"Mommy Jen.. Mommy Jen.. When will you give me my candy and milk.." She whined still with her aegyo

"Huh?? Wha-what do you mean? Candy and Milk?" I said confusedly

"I want to lick my candy and suck my milk. It's been forever since you gave them to me" She said like the real little kid whined for candy and milk. But that not the matters, my eyes got open widely after I realized what she meant. Oh my gosh this pervert!!

"LISAAAAAAAA!!" I yelled as trying to free myself from her. Pushing her hands away

"WHAATTT JENNIEEE. WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS YELLED AT ME!!" She yelled back even louder than me. Jesus. I swear I am married to a kid

Don't Fall In Love (JENLISA, G!P - COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon