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Z: SHIT...
M: Zara are you okay in there?
Z: umm YEH.... fuck fuck fuck.

My arm was spilling of blood as I rushed round the bathroom to find something to stop the flow. I quickly grabbed the toilet paper and wrapped it round my arm before putting my dressing gown on.

I then unlocked the door and was greeted by mikey. I smiled through my pain. The pain of my heart and arm.

M: I need the toilet
Z: oh yeh just go in

I was shutting the door when mikey walked in the bathroom when I realised I left the blade on the sink.
I went to go and grab it However mikey has already beaten me to it.

M: what's this?
Z: what's what?
M: the blade...
Z: oh nothing I just shaved.
M: where it has blood on it?!
Z: somewhere...
Z: OoOo I hAvE a CrAmP... give me the blade mikey.

As soon as I said I have a cramp he immediately gave me the blade. I wasn't on my period. I didn't use the blade to shave either.

I used it to cut myself. I was ashamed that I went back to old habits. When I slipped It could have went so wrong. But it was a one time off. Not doing it again.

I don't think....

DADDYS GIRL / RYE BEAUMONT Where stories live. Discover now