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**^ that is the house it is based off^**

After a long drive to London we then arrived at the boys house. My dad then dropped me off then got back in the car. What the hell was he doing.

Z: dad? Where you going?
B: honey I have to go to work I will see you soon okay I promise.
Z: okay I love you.

With that being said he drove away. I then walked to the front door. I knocked on the door and then stood there for 3 minutes. I tried a second time. A silver car then pulled up on the drive.

A boy with a giant camera then got out the car.

A: hey
Z: hi
A: wait are you Blair's daughter?
Z: yeah

I smiled.

A: I'm Alex I'm roadtrips camera man.
Z: I'm Zara Blair's daughter. Is anyone in?

I asked referring to the house.

A: have they seriously not opened the door to you?
Z: no.

Once Alex had all the camera equipment out he opened the door and gestured me enter first. I walked in and then a boy walked round the corner.

He had a blonde perm and a very nice smile.
Not to mention but he also didn't have any clothes on apart from boxers.

B: oh sorry. Are you Zara?
Z: it's okay and yeh.
B: I'm brook. Boys Zara is here.

Four other boys then wandered to where Brooklyn was stood. They were all really fit to be honest.

A: hello Zara I'm andy. That's brook, jack
, Mikey and rye.

The one boy who caught my eye was rye. He looked flawless.

I must have been staring for quite a while because one of the boys coughed causing me to stop staring and start blushing.

That was so embarrassing.

M: do you want a sandwich, from subway... me and Alex are going out to get one for all the boys.
Z: sure let me get my purse.

As I was looking through my bag a tampon dropped out onto the floor. Everyone just stared at me.

Oh god can the day get any worse.

R: don't worry this one is on me.

I then watched rye give Mikey the money. When they left all the boys except rye left me in the cloak room to hang my stuff up.

R: you still forgot to pick up this.
Z: pick up what?
R: your tampon.
Z: oh god. I'm sorry.
R: why are you sorry?
Z: idk I'm just stupid and clumsy. Plus you had to pick my tampon up.
R: listen Zara your not stupid fair enough you are abit clumsy but just then I thought you were the cutest thing ever and tampons are tampons. I use them.
Z:  what do you mean.
R: I get really bad nose bleeds so I put tampons up my nose.

I started laughing.

R: go ahead judge me. I'll give you a minute.

I started dying even more. To the point where I couldn't breath, I was in tears.

A: eee rye are you breaking young girls hearts again like you broke mine?
R: I'll always love you Andy.
A: you better.

R: right have you finished your laughter session.
Z: yeah.

I smiled wiping the left over tears.

R: let's show you around the house and your room.

DADDYS GIRL / RYE BEAUMONT Where stories live. Discover now