Ringing in the New Year Right

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Christmas came and with it a hubbub of happiness and laughter. Stef's heart hadn't been this full in a very long time, if ever, and Lena finally felt as if her heart was complete. Being able to start their own little traditions like baking cookies and watching Christmas movies into the wee hours of the morning on Christmas Day to name a few, both women and were in their own little world and couldn't imagine a time before they were together as a couple.


"Hand me the mixer, babe," Stef licked her fingers as she had just splattered the gravy all over herself and the stove top.

"Hang on, please!" Lena was frantically wiping up the gravy that had also gotten on the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey! Love, calm down! It's okay! My mother won't judge! Trust me!"

"But I want it to be perfect! You don't get it! This is your mother, but now, I'm the one her radar will hone in on!"

Stef quickly pushed the small pan of gravy to the back burner before reaching down to hold out her hand to her girlfriend. "Sweetheart, listen. I get that you're worried. I know that very well, but I promise that my mom won't be..be like your mom, okay? Mmm? I promise."

"I don't know why I'm so scared.I don't. I'm just so..so flustered!" Lena's voice caught in her throat, and Stef drew her in close to her, wrapping her arms all the way around the slim woman's frame. Lena clung to her girlfriend as they soon were matching each other's breaths, and she calmed down. Working herself up wasn't like her at all, but this relationship with Stef was very important to her. More important than anything in her life, ever. She didn't want to mess it up or lose what they had. And she was taking it out on their food.

"Thank you," Lena finally whispered into Stef's ear. "Thank you for getting me, and for knowing how to calm me down. I don't deserve you. At all."

Stef could only blink back the hot tears that were forming in her eyes as she brushed Lena's cheek softly. "It's you, I don't deserve."

Lena cupped her girlfriend's cheek then as she leaned in and brushed her lips softly. "That's nonsense, and you know it."

*Flashback Ends*



I have been struggling with the fact that I not only cheated on Amber, but that I have only been dating Stef for a short period of time. Sure, it's true that I've loved her for a while, but it doesn't erase the fact that I feel like I have this blemish on my life. I want to marry her and grow old with her, yet the demons of guilt threaten to plague me. But it doesn't stop me from still stopping at the jewelry store to look for a ring.

"May I please see that one over there?"

"The two carrot?"

"Oh, no...no, not that one, the one next to it."

"The man's ring with small diamonds. Is this for a wedding band?"

"It's not. I'm going to ask my girlfriend if she'll marry me. And how long for it to be sized?"

The older man frowns, but I ignore him. He's most likely old fashioned, but I refuse to hide. "About a week."

I peruse a few more rings before settling on the small tri-colored ring with Stef's birthstone and several diamonds. I know she isn't crazy about a traditional diamond ring, and I really want this to be special. My only hope is that it's not too cliché to ask her to marry me on New Years Eve. 



"Come on, babe! Shake a leg! We were supposed to leave ten minutes ago!" I look in the hallway mirror at my reflection. Meeting our friends for dinner before a quiet ringing in of the new year was all that both Lena and I had wanted.

"Does this look okay?" Lena hurries down the steps, and my eyes widen.

"Ummm, WOW! We are only going to dinner, babe!"

"I know, but it's our first New Years as a couple! Is this too much?" She turns around in her little black dress that comes mid thigh, sparkling fake diamonds are scattered throughout the strapless dress, and her caramel skin is glowing. She's wearing matching earrings and a dainty necklace along with simple black flats that have a few of the fake diamonds as well.

I swallow hard as I look down at my straight green dress. "Looks like I underdressed," I laugh awkwardly, and she waves her hand.

"Nonsense! You never wear a dress, so you're dressed up!" She smiles, and I wink at her as I hold out my hand and she takes it.

"It's just dinner, sweetheart, and then a quiet evening, just you, me, a bottle of cab and some truffles as we watch cheesy New Year's Eve festivities on the television."

She blushes as she leans in to kiss my cheek. "I just want it to be special. But you're right. Maybe I should change."

"Uh, no, ma'am! Do not change! Let's go! We're already late!"

She giggles as we head to my SUV, and I open the car door for her, "For you, my lady!"

She giggles again, and I swear I will never tire of her laugh. We head over to the restaurant, and as I escort her inside, I feel proud of the girl on my arm. I never thought I could be this happy, but I am. And there's no one I'd rather bring in this New Year with

*Do you think Stef suspects anything?

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