Home for Christmas

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"Hand me that rope, baby," Stef yanks the Christmas tree we had just bought over the roof of her SUV, and I nervously watch. She had insisted that she could do it herself, but she asks for the rope, I can't get it to her fast enough.

"Relax, babe. Honestly. I got this!" She winks at me as she throws the rope over the giant tree, and I run to the other side to throw her the other rope. It only takes about 10 minutes for her to secure the tree before she reaches down to me so I can help her to the ground. She pulls me into her strong arms and kisses me straight on the mouth. "See? I said I got this."

I smile widely as I kiss her back. "Yes, you did at that. Now lets get that thing home and hope we can fit it in the apartment!" I squeeze her ass cheeks as she blushes which makes me giggle even more, and she runs around to the driver's seat.

Soon we are on our way back to the apartment singing Christmas songs at the top of our lungs as we hold hands, and I take small breaks to kiss her fingers which I know she loves.

"Did you plan on putting the ham in around 8ish? I know you're nervous my mom is coming over," she squeezes my hand as a commercial comes on the radio, breaking into our singing fest.

"Uhhh, ya!" I answer almost a little too enthusiastically, and she reaches over to turn the radio off as she turns down our street.

"Okay, what's wrong? Hmmm? You know I know you well, Lena Elizabeth Adams..."

I sigh as I slowly pull away from her and pull my hair on top of my head. Swallowing hard, I look out the window and am silent for a moment. "I'm nervous as all get out, you know that?"

"Why so?"

"It's...it's your mother. I mean the last time I spoke to her she flat out asked me if there was something going on between me and you, and I said no..."

"She asked you that?"

"Yes...and then, of course, I lied and said no, and she made this face that said she didn't believe me, and I don't know, Stef. I feel really weird and super nervous."

She pulls into our normal parking spot and turns off the engine before taking off her seat belt and turning towards me. "My love...can you look at me? Hmmm?"

I do the same and soon she has my hands in both of hers as she runs her thumbs across my warm skin. "You told her no, and that was lying? You haven't seen my mother in...well, since Labor Day!" She proceeds to laugh awkwardly only making my nerves come out even more, and I frown.

"It's not funny, Stef! I was beginning to realize...realize I had...ummm, feelings for you this past summer," I trail off almost in a whisper, and she reaches over and runs her fingers down the side of my face as she leans in. My eyes meet hers, and I see them twinkling, almost smiling as she moves even closer to my face with her own.

"Oh, ya? All the way back then, huh? What would have happened if I had kissed you then, beautiful? I'm curious."

Her breath is hot and it sends shivers down my spine as I shyly laugh. "Steffffff..." I whine as I try to look away, but she grabs my chin again.

"No, ma'am! You aren't getting out of this one, lady!"

I giggle some more before brushing my lips against hers and shyly reply, "I probably would have kissed you back..."

She licks her lips then before she leans in to peck my lips several times. "We need to get this tree inside, yes? Then, we may have time for some other...stuff..."

I groan as she leans back and winks at me, sending a million butterflies loose in my stomach, swarming to my center where I feel incredibly hot and wanting. But I know that we want to get our apartment decorated tonight more than anything as tomorrow we wanted to snuggle and watch Christmas movies on the couch the entire day. Being that Christmas was just a few short weeks away, we were trying to squeeze in every single moment that we possibly could into this magical season, including making dinner for parts of our families we hadn't eaten with in our current relationship.

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