The Blackest Friday

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I lay in the guest room bed after my parents left for the airport. Stef had taken them, and as Amber was nowhere to be found, I didn't much care. This is the lowest I've ever felt, and to be honest, I am not sure I will ever be able to recover from any of this. For months, I had felt guilty that I was falling for Stef. For weeks, I was mad at myself that I could possibly stoop this low and break a promise I had made to Amber: never to cheat on her. Yet now? To find out that the last year and a half was a scam? That the distance I was feeling from her wasn't all in my head? And that all of the sadness and pain was not imagined, but was legitimate. It was as real as the nose on my face, and for that, I don't think I will ever forgive her.

For last night as Stef was outside talking to Amber, and I was inside trying to explain to both my mom and dad, but mainly my mother, Amber's boss's wife had pulled into our driveway and walked up to Amber, punching her square in the face.


A screech of tires sound out, breaking into my conversation with my mother, and all three of us run outside to see Amber holding her nose as a black sedan speeds off.

"What's going on? Why is your nose bleeding? Stef?" I looked alarmed at the blonde who just raises her hands as she steps back from everyone.

"Don't look at me! Ask her!"

I am frustrated beyond belief as I look back to Amber who is now using her sweater to stop the bleeding. "Who was that? And why is your nose bleeding? Answer me, dammit!" I shout as she begins to cry.

"Why don't we get you inside my dear and then you, two, can talk. Hmmm? I don't think it's necessary to get on to someone who is obviously in deep distress," Dana butts in once again making me feel as if I'm on the back burner. Amber was always her favorite, and it couldn't be any more apparent than it is right now.

"Mother!" I place both of my hands on my hips as I don't see Stef walk over to Stewart and they walk off together.

"What? You see the girl is hurting!"

"I've been sleeping with Gregory...for..for a year...or..or a little more!" she blurts out and doesn't look at me.

My mother steps backwards as she has a stunned look on her face, and I'm sure mine doesn't look any different either. "Excuse me?" I say, my mouth now dry and my heart beating a mile a minute.

"That was his wife, Tricia...she..she pulled up, and...ummm....just walked up to me and said, 'This is for sleeping with my husband!' before she punched me! She....ummmm, got in her car and drove off." Amber is white as a ghost, but I can feel the fury burning in my veins as I can barely breathe.

"Fuck you," I manage in a hoarse whisper, far more quieter than I intended, and as it hits me full force, my voice only grows louder. "I said fuck YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU, AMBER! Just FUCK!"

It doesn't matter to me that the whole entire block can hear me, or that I've used such foul language in front of my parents or my perfect upbringing was out the window. None of that matters to me, as I try to run back into the house, but instead, through my blinding tears, I don't see myself run right into my father's arms.

*Flashback Ends*

I sigh as I roll over once more in the bed. I couldn't bring myself to sleep in Amber's and my bed, and I want to kick her the fuck out, and I actually plan to do that because I don't want her here a moment longer. And the fact that Stef has barely said a word to me but instead slept on the couch last night, made me even more restless. Of course, when I woke up to help my parents get the last of their things, she had insisted on driving them to the airport herself, and I just couldn't argue. I couldn't argue at all because I had barely slept, and I was more exhausted than I ever had been in my entire life.

My stomach growls as I flip over onto my stomach, and after some time of just not being able to sleep, I get up and head to the kitchen. Tears roll down my face as I begin brewing a pot of coffee, and before I can think about what I'm doing, I find myself starting a hearty breakfast, unsure as to who it will be for because I'm not sure I will be able to eat, even if my stomach has been growling profusely.



"Thank you for allowing me to drive you both to the airport, Stewart and Dana," I smile warmly at the older couple as I help them grab their bags from the trunk of my SUV.

"No problem, my dear," Dana pulls up the handle to her roll-away suitcase, and Stewart pulls me in for a hug.

"Will you take care of my little girl? Lena?" He searches my eyes for answers, and I nod as I am genuine with him in this moment.

"I love your daughter, and I'm so, so sorry this whole thing has become one dramatic mess. I...I never intended for this to happen..."

"You're smart, Stef. I just don't understand how you didn't stop it!" Dana shakes her head, but Stewart pushes even more.

"Make sure she eats and please, get her into a therapist. Please! Don't start off your relationship rocky, and more than anything, don't let her push you away!"

Tears come to my eyes as I realize how very worried Stewart is for his daughter, and I reach out and squeeze his hand as I look into his eyes and over to Dana's. "I promise. I really, really promise. She's in good hands."

"Good-bye, my dear," Dana pats me on the shoulder before turning to walk towards the front door, but Stewart once again pulls me in for a hug as she shoves a wad of money in my hand and kisses my cheek.

"Take her shopping. I'm sorry we didn't stay longer."

I swallow hard as I blink back even more tears. Today Stewart and Lena would have gone out for a big breakfast before they went to a book store and tried to figure out which book it was the other wanted the most this year. This was their little tradition, but in light of the events at dinner the previous night, Dana had changed their flight.

I lift my hand to wave at them one last time before climbing in the driver's seat and heading out into traffic. I spend the better half of the drive back towards Lena's house in tears. Yesterday was NOT supposed to happen. Everything was a fucking mess, and this was the blackest Friday I've ever had to endure, and it's not even 6 o' clock in the morning.


**I promise it won't ALL be sad. Some loving chapters are coming up soon! Stay tuned!**

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