Let's Move Forward

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The days had been hard and dark at first, but the two women who were madly in love pushed on through them. Of course, Lena was the one who ended up moving out of her little house as the more Stef talked to her, the more she realized that they needed to start fresh and new. The realization that they had started their relationship off on the wrong foot took hold as well, and both Lena and Stef went to counseling and separately for a few weeks. It was there that Lena realized that she had a weak spot or knack of sorts for wanting to rescue people. It's why she ended up with Amber and why she felt guilty for wanting to leave.

Stef realized that she always loved Lena and had never been in the friend zone in her mind, but she had committed to making the friendship work because she wanted her there. Of course, Lena admitted the same thing to her counselor, being honest with herself for the first time even if she wouldn't ever to Stef's face beforehand. She knew from the moment she laid eyes on Stef, she should have ended it with Amber.

There was something magnetic between the two women, and there always was. And when they were finally truthful with themselves, they began to see each other in a whole new light. It was as if all the sexual tension as well as the sneaking around and fun was tossed out the window and they saw each other as real companions and lovers for the first time.

Of course, Lena worked through the guilt of what she had done to Amber, and then she worked through the anger towards Amber. And what it boiled down to for these two was simple. They were best friends and should never have committed to each other as they did. Amber was a mess internally having come to terms with her attraction to a man when she was with a beautiful woman, and it was Lena who actually helped her see that she wasn't flawed because love is love. As Lena forgave her, they began to repair what was broken and what would have destroyed most friendships, kept theirs in tact.

The truth essentially set everyone in this situation free, and as Christmas neared, their lives were beginning to settle into what should have been all along.


"Hey, sweetheart!!!! Can you get the door?" I call out to Stef as the doorbell rings. My hands are dirty as I am cutting up the chicken for our dinner, and because tonight is officially "date night," I want it to be just right.

We have decided to have our date night here at home in the coziness of the apartment. Because I had just moved in here with Stef earlier in the week, all I wanted was to experience the warmth of her home as I got her all to myself.

I manage to get the chicken in the oven before making it to the sink to quickly wash my hands as Stef walks in with a package. "Who was that?"

She sets the package on the table and says my name in a sultry voice, "Lena..."

I gasp as I see a long box with a ribbon on it, and blush at the same time. "For...me?"

She laughs softly as she pulls me closer to her. "Well, I don't have another girlfriend...so...what do you think?" She whispers the latter against my cheek before kissing me several times and swatting my ass. "Now open it, woman!"

I giggle as I reach over and pull the yellow bow back from around the slender box and gasp as I open it. Inside are two dozen long stem blood red roses. "Oh, Stef! What?!?! It's not my birthday!" I cover my mouth with my hands as tears come to my eyes, and she pulls them away as our bodies connect.

"Look at me, baby, please."

I sniffle as I slowly place my hands on her curvy hips and look into her tender hazel eyes. "Stef..."

"It's our first date night, and I wanted to do it right. Who cares if you live here with me or that we fuck every single night. It's our first official date, and since you chose for it to be here, I chose to still treat you like the queen you are to me."

"Oh, Stef," is all I manage as I cup her cheeks and plant my lips against her soft ones. I shiver as I hear her soft moan, and my body is instantly on fire as I feel her fingers digging into my ass.

"You like them? Yes?" She breathes softly between us, her forehead resting on mine.

"I LOVE them...and I love you...so, so much..."

She pulls me in for another kiss, this one hotter than the last as her hands run up the back of my shirt and I tug handfuls of her long hair. We continue to kiss heatedly until the oven timer goes off reminding us that dinner is ready.



"Good grief! You always were a great cook, but damn, woman! You're gonna make me fat!" I rub my belly dramatically as I unbutton the top button of my jeans.

"You can always take them off," Lena teases as she hands me a glass of wine and sits next to me.

"Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you, baby?!" I wink as I take the glass. "Wanna watch Netflix and chill?"

She smirks as she swings her feet up beside her. "You do know what Netflix and chill means, don't you?"

I sit up and grab the remote. "Ya!!!! It means exactly what it says! We'll watch a show or movie and snuggle!"


"What? Why wouldn't it?"

"Stef! It's what the kids say as code for, 'Do you want to come over and have sex?'!"

I make a face as I look over at her. "You're messing with me, woman! Baha! That's NOT what that means!"

"Yes, it does! Look it up!" She shoves her phone in my face, and I laugh outright as I grab it and throw on my glasses as I quickly google Netflix & chill: code for two people going to each others houses and fucking or doing other sexual related acts.

"What in the world will they come up with next? Jesus Christ!" I laugh as I hand it back.

"Told ya! I ain't no fuddy duddy! I keep up with the slang from these kids!"

I instantly reach over and pull her on to my lap making her wine slosh around in the tall glass. "Stef!!!!"

"Wanna Netflix & Chill with me, my love?" I raise my eyebrows up and down making her blush and giggle all at the same time as she leans over and sets her glass on the small end table next to where I'm sitting.

She places both hands on either of my shoulders as she moves in awfully close to my face and whispers in a steamy tone, "Boy, do I ever..."

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