"It something the little brat left behind Patty".

"What is it boss" said a man with shades.

"Here take a look for for yourself then Carne" as he gave him the paper

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"Here take a look for for yourself then Carne" as he gave him the paper.

Everyone of the chef crowd behind Carne to see the piece of paper and as soon as they saw it they started to laugh.

"Hahahaha izuku look up to you and All Might way to much" as Patty wipe away some tears.

"He right boss this just to funny" as Carne was recovering from his laughter.

"Well then I better mail this off before the brat start complaining".

Before Zeff could leave Patty called out to him.

"Hey boss I think I got a better idea".

As he showed something to everybody and all the chef's start to laugh again and cause Zeff to smirk.

"I think I like your idea Patty".

Meanwhile All Might was waiting for his students come to beta ground then footstep coming from the entrance.

"It said the clothes make the pros and you are the proof, you all look so cool in them so let's get things started newbies".

"Wait sir Midoriya hasn't arrived yet".

"Oh can someone go get him".

Then someone in the tunnel spoke.

"N-no need I'm here".

Izuku came out of the tunnel slowly while feeling embarrassed from what he was wearing.

Izuku came out of the tunnel slowly while feeling embarrassed from what he was wearing

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(The inner shirt is blue with black shoes)

"Woah man what with the suit" said a teen with tape spencer elbows.

This statement cause look down at embarrassment but then heard Ochako call him.

"Hey Deku I like your costume it look really look nice on you".

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