S/o and Kiibo's first winter together

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- Snow fell from the sky as Y/n and Kiibo cuddled on the couch, a warm blanket wrapped around them. 

- Y/n glanced outside and gasped, grabbing Kiibo's attention ''Is something wrong?'' He asked confused by your sudden outburst. 

- Smiling brightly, you pulled the blanket off you two and ran to the window. "Kiibo! Quick come look at this, it's snowing!'' The excitement was clearly evident in your voice, confusing the robot further. 

- He slowly walked up to the window, confused on what little white things fell from the sky. ''Y/n? What is this?'' 

- Bouncing up and down, you exclaimed ''Its snow Kiibo! Come on let's go out and play!'' Grabbing his arm you dragged him to the front hall. 

- Kiibo stared at you confusingly as you threw on your jacket, snow boots, and mittens. You pouted at him as he stood there staring back at you. 

- You dig through your closet to find a big enough jacket for Kiibo, smiling as you through it at him. "Kiibo I'll explain later, for now just put on that jacket. Oh! And here are some boots'' 

- Without questions your motives he slipped the jacket and boots on. Swinging the door open you ran outside giggling. 

- Kiibo felt his internal motherboard warm up at the sight of you. ''Y/n can you now explain what's going on?'' 

- You turn around and threw a snowball at him, aiming for his jacket. "This is snow Kiibo! It happens when it gets cold enough, and the water freezes then become snow!'' 

- Kiibo's face was blank as he searched up what this 'snow', ''Oooh'' He smiled as he glanced over at you. ''So we play in this, 'snow' for fun right?'' 

- Making a snowball you placed it on the ground, rolling it around ''Yep now come help me make this snowman!'' You smile as your cheeks turn slightly red from the sight of Kiibo playing in the snow and the cold. 

A/N Its a week till Christmas so you know what that means! Cute Christmas imagines with all the danganronpa characters, so get ready for that. Hope you enjoyed, and feel free to request imagines! 

~ Mod Shuichi

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