Yandere! Gonta pt 2

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Gonta Gokuhara

- You woke up in fear and confusion feeling your arms and legs tied up to the bedposts, and a small white rag tied around your mouth. 

- Whimpering and shaking, Gonta noticed you waking up, ''Oh good morning my lovely S/o!'' You struggled against your restraints, and yelled some muffled words. 

- ''Oh sorry S/o, Gonta forgot S/o can't talk with the rag in mouth'' He walks up to you, removing the rag from your mouth, ''You were saying my beautiful S/o?'' 

- Your wrists were burning as they grind against the rope, tears fill into your eyes ''Why are you doing this Gonta?! Let me go!'' 

- His eyes noticeable darken, grip tightening on the rag as Gonta stares into your eyes. ''No. S/o will be killed by those horrible people out there, that's why im keeping you here. Forever. No one can hurt you here, and we can be together forever, doesn't that sound lovely?'' 

- Shaking your head you feel blood start to drip onto your wrists, ''Gonta please don't do this! Let me go! I want out of here and away from here! Away from you'' 

- Everything went silent, your eyes widen you didn't mean to say that last part. Gonta tilted his head down letting his long green hair cover his face. 

- WIthout saying a word he slowly stood up walking across the room, ''You don't want to be with Gonta?'' He mumbles whipping to meet your gaze. 

- Tears start to streams down your face, "Gonta please! Just let me go!"

- Silence. You dare utter another word, scared of what he might do.

- A silver gleam could be seen from across the room where Gonta was. You started to shake more, as the object slides into his hand.

- "G-Gonta?" You whimpered as he slowly stalked towards you.

- "No one is allowed to have you, only me. You belong to Gonta, and Gonta alone. I can't let you go into that evil world, they'll hurt you. Gonta can't let that happen, so Gonta will free you from this wicked world. And see you in the afterlife"

- As he said that, he let the butcher knife gleam in the darkness of the room.

- Suddenly he thrusted the knife into your chest, letting the blood slowly spill out, as bile rises in your throat.

- The last thing you hear, Gonta scooping up some of your blood, mumbling "How beautiful S/o" as the darkness took you into its cold grasp.

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