Rantaro, Korekiyo, Gonta, Kokichi With S/o Having a Anxiety Attack

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Rantaro Amami

- He noticed the symtoms buliding up, as your eyes darted around and hands started to get more shaky. 

- Calmly pulling you out of the room, into a more quiet enviroment, he talks quietly. 

- ''S/o, take deep breathes, you're here right now, you are in control right now. I want you to look around, you're in a safe enviroment'' 

- Rantaro would, give you space and always ask if its okay to touch you before carefully taking your hands in his. 

- He would stay by your side until you're calmed down and got your anxiety in check. 

- Rantaro would probably make up a small signal for you, for you to tell him when you're getting to anxious or over-whelmed. 

Korekiyo Shinguji 

- When he first learned about your anxiety, Korekiyo spent the night looking through old folklores and remedies to calm you.

- Being on the more observant side, he'd easily notice whenever you're close to an anxiety attack. 

- Pulling you out of the anxiety-inducing situation, he leads speaks slowly watching your ever action. 

- ''I want you to tell me five things you can see right now S/o, it can be anything really. Just five things you notice about our surroundings will do, my dear'' 

- There has been the rare times he'll remove his bandages from his hands, and hold your hand letting his thumb slowly run over your shaking knuckles. 

- Telling you short folklore stories to focus your mind more on his voice and less on the situation at hand, or the anxiety eating at you. 

Gonta Gokuhara

- When you first told him about it, he started freaking out thinking it was something life-threatening. 

- He'd constantly check up on you, making sure the situation wasn't overwhelming or stressful. And if it was, Gonta would do anything to get your out of there. 

- If you have a anxiety attack, he'd probably panic a little bit too. 

- Finally when he's calm down, he tries to remember everything you told him that helps calm you down. 

- ''S/o, very slowly sit down with Gonta okay? That's good! Does S/o want to hear about Gonta's new bug findings?'' 

- He'd try his best to keep his voice down, and help you with your breathing till you got through the anxiety attack. 

Kokichi Ouma 

- He wouldn't believe you at first, thinking that you were lying about it or that it wasn't anything to really bother about. 

- That was until he had to help you through a anxiety attack. 

- You couldn't stop crying and shaking, as it became harder to breathe. It felt like the room was closing in on you, and everything was a blurry mess. 

- Kokichi ran to your side, panic in his eyes but he tried to hide it. 

- ''Haha come on S/o, calm down. There, just try actually breathing for a start'' 

- He tried anything he could think of to calm you down, end just ending up with letting you curl up with him, and try to calm your breathing. 

- At first Kokichi would be really panicky whenever you had a anxiety attack, but now he knows exactly how to calm you down and comfort you. 

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