S/o dying in killing game and leaving hint to killer behind for dr 1 girls

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Sayaka Maizono 

- She was devastated to see you laying on the floor dead. She broke down crying when she saw a small smile on your face. You were supposed to escape with her alive! 

- ''Y/n please give me strength, I promise that I will find whoever did this to you!'' She had to be strong for your sake and everyone. She isn't ready to join you in the after life just yet. 

- Sayaka started with investigating your body, blinking back tears, her eyes travelled over your body. She noticed your hands had been clamped down on something? 

- Lightly prying your hands open she saw a long piece of dark purple fabric. 

- Could it be the killers? Your even trying to help her after you died, that's so nice of you! 

- She matches it to her skirt, not hers. She asks Kyoko, it's not hers either. Lastly Sayaka went to talk to Touko, and it matches...

- ''Touko what were you doing at 11pm?'' She noticeable flinched, as Sayaka's eyes narrowed on her, monopad in hand looking at your autopsy. 

Kyoko Kirigiri 

- She couldn't but feel a punch to the heart when she saw your dead body being strung up by wires. 

- You promised to get out of here together, but looks like that is gone in the dust. She can't afford to die here, she needs to find the truth of the academy. 

- Giving you a small smile, she started her investigation. The culprit attempted to make your death look like a suicide. How foolish... 

- Well investigating your body, she noticed blood on your finger. Kyoko looked around the crime scene for anything that could explain why there was blood on your finger. 

- Moving your body to the side and away from the wall. ''Taeko?'' She quietly mumbled to herself, why would you write this name? 

- During the trial, she brought up that we never learned Celestia Lundenberg's real name. 

- She wasn't going to let anyone get away with killing you, she will avenge you. 

Aoi Asahina 

- She would be crying when she found you dead, how could someone kill you?! You were always trying to support everyone, and you were so kind... you did you have to go? 

- She hand to get Sakura to comfort her a little before you could even look at your dead body. 

- ''Okay I need to be strong for y/n! Y/n, I promise to never forget you!'' 

- Aoi starts looking around the crime scene, for any clues that could point to the killer 

- When she noticed that your hand was pressed into your leg, she gagged slightly seeing dried blood poured out from your leg. 

- Is that a piece of a crystal ball? Wait.. there's only one person who has a easy access to a crystal ball. 

Sakura Oogami 

- You were a strong soul, you had the soul of a warrior! But sadly you were defeated. She would avenge you, and find your killer. 

- She couldn't believe you'd fallen to the killing game. But she promised to find your killer, so you may be able to rest in peace. 

- You had been killed in your room, body laid beside the foot of your bed, dried pink blood splattered everyone. 

- Sakura noticed that the crime scene looks clean, a little too clean...

- Checking around she found a little roller under you bed, with some blonde hairs stuck to them. 

- ''Strawberry blonde hair?'' She mumbled, directing her attention to Junko Enoshima (Mukuro). 

Touko Fukawa 

- How dare someone kill you! Don't they have any respect for people who deserve worship over death. 

- She glared at everyone well the investigation went on, she couldn't pin point how to culprit. But just you wait, you aren't allow to die without the culprit being punished. 

- ''A giant safety pin?'' She picked it up looking at it closely. 

- It looks familiar, too familiar doesn't Leon have something like this? He did always wear weird accessories didn't he? 

- She slowly walked up to him, ''H-hey Leon isn't t-this yours?'' ''Oh, um yeah! I lost it earlier this morning, thanks for finding it!'' He gave a fake smile, ''You sick pig''. 

Genocider Syo 

- As Touko fainted at the sight of blood, Syo took the stage! ''Kwahaha what's going on here?!'' She said looking around seeing everyone look tearful. 

- That was until she saw you, laying dead on the ground, her smile dropped. She didn't know why, she felt a surge of anger. KILL. MURDER. 

- Grabbing her scissors, ''Alright. Who killed y/n'' Glaring at everyone, twirling her scissors around on her fingers. 

- She checked your body, a stab wound to the stomach huh? Then she noticed something laying in your palm

- Pink ribbon? Your outfit didn't have any pink ribbon on it, so where did this come from? 

- She looked around for anyone with pink ribbon on there outfit, Sayaka Maizono had a huge pink bow on her chest. 

- ''Y'know! I usually stick with killing cute boys, but I don't mind ripping you up either!'' Syo threatened Sayaka, as the other guys try to hold her back. 

Celestia Lundenberg 

- In her eyes you were perfect, and the perfect person to enjoy her dream with. 

- That was until she found you, dead in the game room, dried blood shaped your face. 

- She'd glare at everyone that even looked in her direction, someone here was your killer. And punishment they shall receive. 

- Celestia investigated your body, not seeing any special marks on it. Until she moved to where the huge blood splatter was. 

- On the magazine rack she noticed that one of them had been knocked off blood traced it. 

- In messy blood it read 'him' with the motorcyle circled. 

- Even in death you still wish to help her escape, how beautiful of you. 

Mukuro Ikusaba (as Junko Enoshima) 

- She tried her best to stay out of the way, not bring attention to herself... But when she met you, she felt that she could be herself, somewhat at least. 

- That all came crashing down as your body was found dead in the gym. 

- She wasn't going to let your death affect her too much, she will stay strong for you, and keep fighting. That's what you'd want her to do right? 

- It looks like something is wrapped around your hand, a white bandage. 

- She carefully unwraps it, there's no bruise or cut underneath and the bandage is completely untouched. The seams do seemed to be a little teared and frayed? 

- Who else could have bandages on them? Maybe it was the killers? ''Junko, have you found anything yet?'' Sakura Oogami, she sents a hand of her shoulder. ''Ohh um not yet!'' 

Hope you enjoyed and remember to check me out on Tumblr as dangan-shuichiismywaifu-ronpa and if you'd like to request please do it on here thats the only way i'll see it!

~ Mod Shuichi

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