35. Set Free

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The rain had started to fall earlier today, BEAT is wrapping up their presentation for their new album so today they had a free day. Their C.E.O wanted to place all of his attention on the solo debut of Lee Donghun.

So for this reason the idol had being busier than ever.

The text and calls between Junhee and Donghun became rarer and often they didn't talk at all if it wouldn't be because Donghun always is the first one to initiate the conversation.

A week went by this way

"I just feel like he's avoiding me....it fucking hurts", Donghun comments that rainy day as Chan is getting ready to head out

"Maybe just focus on your music hyung....you'll see him soon" the maknae says avoiding his eyes, and walking out of their dorm.

Chan swallow hard and feels like the dirtiest person ever to exist. Things change in his hyung's relationship ever since he lied to Junhee, and Jun being the type of person to place Donghun's happiness over his.

Chose to soon end things.

Before Chan can say something else he receives a call from Junyoung, he quickly pick up and pushes the sour feeling in his heart back with pure love and joy when he recalls that soon Jun might sign here. And stay closer.

But it felt wrong.

"Baby...hi, I'm already home...are you coming over?" He asks and Chan hurries up downstairs.

"I'm on my way"

Junyoung's apartment felt more like home than any other place, even his dorm. Since he wanted to also avoid his hyung.


He is laying on Junyoung's bed as he waits for him to come out of the bathroom. Soon they could be living on the same building, and seeing him would be easier. Also John promised to let them date. His heart races with this ideas on his mind. The bathroom's door opens and reveals a half naked Junyoung only a towel wrap around his waist. Chan holds his breath.

"Don't move" Junyoung says and moves on top of him, Chan had removed earlier his sweater and jacket. So only a pale pink t shirt and jeans were on him. Jun doesn't say much and proceeds to kiss his lips and follows on his neck, then he sucks and pushes his lips on the end line of his neck. His maknae softly moans.

"Babe they'll notice" he whines already knowing the purple mark would be visible soon

"That's what I want" Jun says and he starts to takeoff the other's t shirt

His lips tracing his way down on his boyfriend

Chan doesn't complain anymore and he cries a little out of pleasure when he feels his member being touch and he moans when it enters his boyfriend's mouth



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