32. I'm Sorry

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Only a few days after they had come back from their trip from Osaka, BEAT is being drive to the music show where they will show case their new mini album, "CLEAR" an album where the whole group had participated in the process of music, lyrics and image. John had being discrete and acted normal these past days. When he picked them up in the airport Yuto, Chan and Donghun where acting like they always do. But John did pay attention to the brighter and more hyper main vocal, that as terms as energy it matched Chan's so in a way John knew the reason for this.

"So you know in the end of today's presentation, I'll do my drift-part a bit longer so try to keep the note high... OK" Minho says from the back seat

But Donghun is too focus texting on his cellphone to notice that the leader gave him an instruction

"DONGHUN.!" Yuto says louder and Donghun eyes move from the screen of his phone to his friend

"Yeah?" He asks and Yuto just rolls his eyes

"Who are you texting?", John asks but already knowing the answer

"Just a friend from school...sorry Minho..yes I'll keep the note" he reassures the other man on the back that only makes a sound and nods in agreement.

The drive to the studio is fast and they perform like always. A few more fans came to see them and the fanchats had being louder this time.

Once on the band is on their dressing room they prepare to leave for their second schedule in a variety show

"Um...Donghun can you take them to SBS building?...I need to take Chan with me for an appointment with the salon...we're thinking on a change on his hair style before the show" John says as he walks inside the dressing room.

The other looks a bit confuse on the sudden instruction from their manager but they could only agree, "Sure thing...we'll be there and waiting for you" Donghun says as he grabs his back pack.

"Thank you...great show by the way...Chan lets go" and he points for the maknae.

They don't say a word as they head back to the parking lot where John's car is.

Here goes nothing

John thinks as he unlocks the doors and Chan takes a seat in the front with him

"I was staring to like my purple hair John" Chan says with his always full smile. John just nods, "what color am I trying next?" He asks his manager but the other man's mind is already some place else

He doesn't reply and Chan doesn't notice as he keeps texting Junyoung. The drive to the salon is a bit long. The day today is a bit sunny and pretty. So Chan thinks it will be nice to have a picnic lunch with his boyfriend and friends. They arrive to a park and John parks there. Only a few kids and parents play in the playground. A lonely tall man plays basketball on the court on the far side of the park

"...you want to play basketball?" Chan asks a bit confuse as to why they arrive at the park and stay here.

John turns on the radio and leaves it at a lower volume, "we'll go to the salon in a minute, I just needed to talk about something with you really quick...like in private" Chan is way more confuse, What exactly.?? He thinks to himself.

John turns doesn't look at him in the eyes and keeps looking at the front when he finally says something, "You know that ARTS and LUCKY will be renewing contracts on January, that's the only thing we have in common with them...." his voice is kept in a similar tone

"Yes...and this is relevant because" Chan says his heart waivers of the mention of his boyfriend's company

"Here I want you to look at this" and he hands him the picture that his boss gave him. And when Chan takes a look at it his heart sinks and his face becomes pale....How?! Since when do they know about him and Junyoung.....and Donghun hyung and Junhee hyung....WHAT THE HECK.!!

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